After changing the water pump and thermostat on the Einhorn, ('94 E34 with M60 V8) it's developed a misfire or something like that. Stumbles on part throttle and steady throttle, and idles kinda rough.
Did this from the time of the first test drive. Did I bump or break something? Loose wire? Cause vacuum leak?
The valve cover gaskets are leaking real bad and there's a good deal of oil in the spark plug wells, so I'm going to replace valve cover gaskets. Any thing else I should do? Are Fel-pro gaskets good enough? How about intake manifold gaskets? What brand and type of spark plug should I put in there while I'm at it?
Thanks in advance.
Not familiar with the V8, but think through every/anything you removed or unplugged to get to the water pump and thermostat.
I was hoping it was e28 related. first thing I would look at is throttle position sensor adjustment if it has one.
For ignition components on any computer-controlled BMW, use the OE stuff only. Inspect the coil packs and the rubber boots - if there's oil in the wells, the rubber may be shot.
Rough running is most often caused by vacuum leaks, and the BMW V8s leak everything, everywhere. But since this just appeared, look at what you just had apart, especially anything to do with the intake tract post-MAF. Also make sure your sensors are all plugged in correctly, particularly the water temp sensor(s) (I can't recall if that engine has one or two).
I've retraced my steps several times, but will check the vacuum leaks yet again when I get home.
Are Fel-pro valve cover gaskets good enough?
What is the recommended spark plug?
Oil leaking into the spark plug holes might cause a miss fire. I had odd miss fires, from a coil connector that was not fully plugged in, the connector has a latch and you would assume the latch thing would ensure the connector is fully plugged in, but not always. I look real close and some of them were not seated the same, was able to pry the connector on a little farther and that helped. AIr leaks won't help.
Indy-Guy said:
I've retraced my steps several times, but will check the vacuum leaks yet again when I get home.
Are Fel-pro valve cover gaskets good enough?
What is the recommended spark plug?
"Good enough" depends on how much you mind doing the job again if they aren't. The OE Victor Reinz kit is less than $50. I've only used the OE ones, so I have no useful data on the Fel-Pros.
Plugs are these: . Looks like the boots are $20/ea.
In reply to 02Pilot :
I can get the Fel-pro today, or wait for the other to be shipped out. Thanks for the plug recommendation.