Hi I was sitting around wondering about a Track car that was supposed to come out 2-4 years ago that looked kind of like a shrunken Nazca C2 (90s BMW concept car) but cant remember the name at all. All i remember besides it looks is that it was from around the australian region (either australia, New Zealand, or maybe even tasmania) It was a something like 1400lbs, and came in both RWD and AWD configurations. It sounded pretty cool but i dont know if the company ever made that many cars, and despite my best efforts i cant recall the name or find it through other sources. It was all over Jalopnik and Topgear websites when it was 1st announced. Sounded promising but for all i know they went bankrupt
Anyways those are the details
Looks fairly similar to old Nazca C2 concept car
1400-1800lbs with options from
200 to 350hp (300+ had AWD availible)
Probably Australian, but could of been Tasmanian for all I know.
NOT a Spartan V
Bolwell Nagari?

Noo, not that. I should of added it had NO roof. More similar in profile to that Spartan V i mentioned, but with somewhat obvious hints of the Nazca. When i first found the spartan i thought it might be that but then i read "660lbs, 170hp ducati engine" and realized it wasn't a spartan either.
YES the DP4, thanks! Maybe not as pretty as i remember, but now i know why i though it looked like a C2
HorribleEscort wrote:
YES the DP4, thanks! Maybe not as pretty as i remember, but now i know why i though it looked like a C2
BTW, they're not Australian. Dennis Palatov's cars are designed and built here in the Pacific NorthWest (Portland, Oregon to be more precise). 
12/17/12 5:47 p.m.
He is actually shipping DP4s now. Pretty impressive engineering. Only downsides are no real competitive place to race it and that you cant take a buddy a long
(he is building a DP2 tho)
Jaynen wrote:
He is actually shipping DP4s now. Pretty impressive engineering. Only downsides are no real competitive place to race it and that you cant take a buddy a long
(he is building a DP2 tho)
Oddly there's a series being put together in Thailand for the D4 (aka DP4), but yeah they are trackday cars. Though I suspect you could run them in the regional SPU class.
12/17/12 6:34 p.m.
it's a larger shifter kart with aero and better suspension, I like it, but not at that price...