So I've been feeling a tad YOLO recently and with the ongoing E36 M3show that is the BRZ engine replacement saga, have been keeping my eye out for another vehicle. As one does.
There's a place not too far from me that seems to specialise in Swedish cars and has a couple of interesting race cars for sale. One of them being a Volvo P1800 that seems to have been converted into a semblance of the old SCCA GT3 spec (ie, full tube frame chassis) by the aforementioned outfit, as if the name might carry some weight.
Also, anybody got any idea how well an SCCBC log book converts to an SCCA log book?
This is the car in question, btw:

that looks like the Mission Race track, but I do not recognize the car or the two names on the side. But SCCBC is SCCA in BC.
Ask here:
Neat looking car, and after doing some google searching it appears the car was on BaT twice. I also googled Kingpin, and they appear to be a small shop in Langley, though I've never heard of them. I agree with bearmtnmartin, post a question on the sccbc forum, I'm sure someone on there remembers the car.
BaT link
Other BaT link
Thanks for the forum link, I'll look into that.
I had been aware that the current owner had tried to sell the car on BaT, didn't realise he had also bought it on BaT. Interestingly enough the "major discount' price he's currently trying to sell it for is still several grand over his purchase price. That might come n useful if I actually fit the car.