9/26/12 10:45 p.m.
The clutch has been slipping a bit on the RallyX RX-7 (Shift to 2nd and engine goes from 3K-5K and back to 3K heading up a hill) so I pulled the trans today. The clutch disc does not look as bad as other cars I have pulled apart before but the flywheel looks a little odd. Normally I just scuff the flywheel with sandpaper before installing a new clutch. Maybe this one actually needs to be resurfaced?

Running a fingernail over it I don't feel the spots that I see.
The clutch disc.

I'd run it after scuffing it.
But then again, I'm probably not the best person to take advice from.
To me it most closely resembles a friction disc that's mostly used up and a flywheel that's been abused and has gotten really hot. Considering how much I dislike "R&R transmission" and what my time is worth, plus what it costs to DNF/DNS a race weekend, I'd at minimum find a better used flywheel or have this one resurfaced if it's got enough thickness left, and replace the friction disc and pressure plate with something a bit more stout if the rules allow it. I've been beating on a Clutchmasters organic on a light M5 flywheel in the e36 M3 track rat for 4 years and it's working very well.
9/26/12 11:15 p.m.
I have a spare flywheel from my parts car but I don't think it looks better.

Maybe I should just clean that one up and see what it looks like.
Rules allow better ones but I am trying to keep this car cheap.
Pay for a resurface. Those glazed spots mean it got REALLY hot at one point. No worthwhile amount of sanding will take that off.
I would drop the extra one off at the same time so you have a spare, too.
9/26/12 11:31 p.m.
It is a rotary. I am pretty sure REALLY hot is normal operating temperature. 
Running multiple drivers during summer months I am sure it could have gotten REALLY hot sometime in there.
Definitely resurface. Mine looked like that after months of slipping clutch as well. The spots are heat stress marks, or something. I think it's one of those "microscopic imperfections that you can't feel" situations.

Looks like the one I just did in the Super Coupe. I hit it with a sanding disk and stuck it back together. The only time I machine them is if the previous clutch was chattering, as in warped, and the flywheel is expensive.
sand it. machining is NOT designed to remove small scratches or strees marks. its designed to remove warp. if its not warped, then you are just removing material for no reason. after machining, it will look EXACTLY like it does RIGHT NOW, after about 20 minutes of driving.
"take these words of wisdom, let it be...."
Buy an aluminum flywheel, it really opens them up.
A heavier pressure plate wouldn't hurt if you can do it. I've had good luck on ebay.