And attached a lot of other stuff that I really don't want to un do.
Ohya this is a 94 mustang with a 3.8. IT is the valve cover behind the alternator in the photo.

So I took a piece of vacuum line and put it over the two valve cover bolt heads and got them to the point that they just need about one more turn with a wrench. Tomorrow I think I will be making some sort of special tool the get them snug.
Some times your the windshield and some times your the bug. Today I was the bug.
10/5/12 5:47 p.m.
Can't you see the valve cover is off pretty easily while putting on the intake? 
Yeah that's a pretty big and obvious thing to miss...
Gasoline and a lighter will fix all the problems you've had with this car recently.
Extra points for a zippo.
probably be faster and easier to just unbolt the plenum and move it out of the way...
Those intakes always remind me of:

I had it sitting on the motor but not bolted down to keep stuff out of the motor. On the passenger side there is not an issue and that is the side I was working from when I put the manifold on. I then proceeded to hook up all the vac lines and plugs and the EGR and a bunch of other little things on the passenger side. I then put the bolts in the valve cover on the passenger side and went around to put them in the drivers side and that is when I realised my problem. I think I can get it if I cut down a 8 mm socket and use my smallest extension and my pass through ratchet gizmo that came with my selection of specialty screwdriver bits. We will see. Once I realised my mistake I decided it was time for a UFO White that was on Ice in the fridge.
sounds like a good reason to pull it out and put a v8 in. lol
10/5/12 10:01 p.m.
I am not BoostedBrian wrote:
Gasoline and a lighter will fix all the problems you've had with this car recently.
Extra points for a zippo.
Double bonus points if you walk away from the explosion without looking back.
Phil Stubbs wrote:
sounds like a good reason to pull it out and put a v8 in. lol
This option has been bounced around several times. Does anyone know if the trans from a stock V6 3.8 works behind a 302 V8? Can it take the HP/Torque?
I had a V6 T5 behind my 351W (before I dun blowed up the engine) in my Mustang for about 3 yrs if that's any incentive. The transmission is still working fine behind the boring, temporary replacement 5.0.
I would just remove the upper and spray the somewhat squished intake gasket with some spray tack after installing the valve cover but that's just me.
10/6/12 6:39 a.m.
try a 1/4 inch air rachet or flex shaft driver (screw driver with cable shaft)
yeah we put a AOD from a 3.8 car into my buddy's 5.0 cougar it worked fine.
I managed to get it with the correct combination of a thin ratchet and a longer socket I was able to get it tight. At least I know know that you can take the valve covers off a 3.8 with out taking the intake off.
dean1484 wrote:
I managed to get it with the correct combination of a thin ratchet and a longer socket I was able to get it tight. At least I know know that you can take the valve covers off a 3.8 with out taking the intake off.
you know you can get the bolts out... do you know if you can get the cover off?
novaderrik wrote:
dean1484 wrote:
I managed to get it with the correct combination of a thin ratchet and a longer socket I was able to get it tight. At least I know know that you can take the valve covers off a 3.8 with out taking the intake off.
you know you can get the bolts out... do you know if you can get the cover off?
Yep. Once I realise my screwup I also realised that I had not repalced the gasket in it either. So Yes I did actually pull it out and repalce the gasket in ti with the intake on the motor. I had the alternator off as well so it was actually very easy. The SOB was the bolts.