So my black Civic decides to no longer start. It cranks but won't start and I can't hear the fuel pump prime so obvious solution replace fuel pump relay. Nope still no start. Then my blue Civic decides to throw a code (emissions). Hopefully just the O2 sensor. And there goes any plans to work on the projects I had planned to work on this weekend...
Story of my recent life....
Blue jeep is leaving enormous puddles of coolant on the driveway.
Red jeep took 4 tries to start this morning.
Ho boy.
spring comes. the impala has cracked a head over winter from un-good-enough antifreeze and -15 temps. the chevelle wipes the cam lobe that drives the fuel pump, sending metal through everything. the belair's fuel pump dies, gets replaced, then starter fails. the 4.3 in my c1500 gives up after running blown HG's for 2 years. we have a flood that eats my 68 c20 alive and fills the gas tank of the corvette with water(and i start it not knowing that, ruining the entire fuel system except the lines including a brand new $250 carb). to add insult to more insult and injury, my wife's buick pops the trans as does my avalanche. the truck had trans rebuilt prior to my purchase, 40k later the pump that aamco put in it grenaded sending metal through the clutch packs on its way out.
$3800 to the trans shop later the avalanche and rendezvous are fine. the corvette has a new fuel system and is functional but stored until it's beyond emission testing in a couple years. the belair, impala, and chevelle are still down. the 1500 pickup has a new engine and clutch. the 68 c20 is going to give it's engine to my dad and be scrapped because it got screwed hard in the flood on top of rust issues, and i bought my roadmaster to have redundant backup for fear of another "holy crap everything broke at once" moment.
1/1/15 10:23 p.m.
It's catching here too. I rescued the Scoob from the parking lot where it refused to start and left me stranded, bringing it home and getting it running again.
It took three tries and a decent run to get up my slight hill of a driveway. So much for a winter beater. No money for a fix.
I'm getting whiffs of coolant from the Lincoln...
1/1/15 10:25 p.m.
In reply to patgizz:
I'd say you win...or lose...
1/2/15 6:25 a.m.
Yup. That is how it goes. All my cars decided to be in some state of issue at the same time. I am at the tail end of things now. The last thing for now is changing brakes...waiting for Fed Ex right now.
Then I think I can get off the marathon of car repairs. It's been three months of everything from a top end rebuild to suspension repair...and everything in between. The car gods have a sense of humor.
Escort has the balls fall out of a CV joint on Monday. I was 11 miles from the shop and had new parts in the car. Truck won't start due to a battery going bad so I can't trailer the Escort home (or drive it into the shop). Crown Vic chooses this day to vent through the heater core while going for a new battery. At least it wasn't quite freezing or raining too hard! Bypass heater core (in the rain), change battery (again, in the rain), load and unload the Escort and push it into the shop (rain..). After that it was a fun time in the warm shop! Brother tried to get over to help, but his alternator went out.
Just went through some issues myself, which some are still ongoing. 99 Bonneville needed the coolant elbows replaced again (1.5 yrs old), week later radiator is leaking and had to be replaced. One of the trans cooler line adapters (gotta love radiators that fit multiple years) split, had to get another from parts store (replaced under warranty). I had put the truck in the garage to start the suspension changes, had to put it back together to get the parts for the Bonneville. I really need to change the lower intake gaskets soon. Right now it just leaking some oil, but it could be coolant next. Right now the Bonneville is all I have to drive so it has to wait.
Now truck is halfway through the suspension stuff (front is done), raising the truck back to stock height due to breaking the rear yoke straps coming home from nationals. Drive line angles were off from being lowered, putting too much angle on rear u-joint. Easiest solution was to go back to stock height, plus I needed more rear suspension travel anyways. It will wake you up fast when you break the yoke straps off while pulling an enclosed trailer.
In addition to that fun, the Camaro is apart in the garage. It needed the headers replaced, they were used when I got them. There are also other things needing to be done. Plus the MGB is sitting in the trailer waiting its turn. Too many vehicles needing attention.
93EXCivic wrote:
So my black Civic decides to no longer start. It cranks but won't start and I can't hear the fuel pump prime so obvious solution replace fuel pump relay. Nope still no start. Then my blue Civic decides to throw a code (emissions). Hopefully just the O2 sensor. And there goes any plans to work on the projects I had planned to work on this weekend...
Clearly the answer is you need to step up to an XJ6! 
an emissions code? just put tape over the light and keep driving..
I went through that last spring. All the cars in the fleet needed somthing. At the moment all are road worthy and I have a 97 corolla with 87k in perfect running order sitting un registered as a backup. My fear is that if I get rid of the corolla the other cats will start to brake again.
I'm just now getting back to the point of having all the cars working... the SVX was a recent addition to my life and leaked a quart of oil every 100 miles, in addition to whining like crazy and leaking coolant. New timing belt, water pump, trans filter, hoses, and a bunch of seals, and it's at least mechanically sound. The e30 managed to snap the exhaust off at a rusty weld at an autocross, which put a ton of bending moment on the turbo, so that's off the road until I make a new exhaust for it. The wagon is having intermittent issues with being converted to fuel injection with an electric fuel pump, so it starves for fuel under normal driving conditions. Completely re-did the fuel system thinking that would fix it, but now it's looking like I need to clean the tank out and add baffles, so that's next on the list, in addition to blowing a brake line, needing a brake job, and burning/leaking copious amounts of oil.
so I guess nothing to leave me stranded, but certainly a lot of projects on all the cars. Once I get the new o2 sensors and idler pulleys on the SVX, I think it will be stable enough to drive until the others are fixed, haha.
I hope this isn't contagious...
racerdave600 wrote:
Clearly the answer is you need to step up to an XJ6!
I am trying to decide which out of a manual X-Type, manual S-Type, X300 XJ6 or XJ8 would make me cry the least out of the four. 
Duster down with fuel system issues. Wifes Subaru still needs head gasket. Mazda has bad struts and bushings. Elky still not done. 77 f150 needs everything. And im still working on the customer car.
At least the riding mower is finally fixed. Six hours to do a transaxle swap.
Nothing to keep me from getting to work, but a long list of crap to fix.
This thread makes me feel better. I got my ohh E36 M3 everythings broke down back in October when I took the wagon off the road. s10 fuel pump died in a parking lot on my wife, sundance spit out the driver front axle and the Saturn was in Sidney 1 1/2 hours south of me!
I can't relate to this at all.
BMW drips coolant. Just did waterpump, expansion tank, a slew of hoses, etc. Radiator end tanks are weeping now (a good solid weep...). Also needs control arms, TREs, struts, exhaust cam position sensor, and struts, but who's counting?
Truck is a pile. It needs to go away. Got a trade offer on an '88 944 that I'm almost dumb enough to consider.
The $300 Subaru, however, is a berkeleying trooper. It must be the only 245k mile '92 subaru that doesn't burn or leak any fluids.