So the current dryer is being replaced friday and I was planning on disassembling the old one in order to use the top and side panels for automotive related projects. They aren't strong enough for skid plate use, the 323 and volvo never had sunroofs so nothing to fill there. Is an English wheel and flares the answer? What other uses have the best and brightest used them for?
You can use a bead roller to add strength to flat panels.
Gauge panels. Patch panels for the firewall. Those are what my old microwave shell are being used for.
My dad set a gutted washing machine on its back, took off the door, and mounted the top from the dryer to the bottom for a doghouse.
I re-wired an old dryer to just have 120v go through a single on/off switch and the door switch to the motor for my first wife. She air dried everything any and I got tired of her hogging the real dryer all day. All it did was spin and blow air over the clothes but it added a year to the marriage.
11/23/14 7:19 p.m.
Best use is for patch panels. Every time I remove and scrap a boiler or furnace, I can't help but think the louvered front panels would be cool to add somewhere on a car. I keep tossing around the idea of making a cover out of one to go over an accusump and battery in the BMW race car.
Call me un-grassroots but I would rather scrap the whole thing, pocket the $15 they give me, take it to the steel yard and buy a sheet of clean cold rolled in whatever gauge I want and use that. I don't have the time or patience to grind off whatever epoxy coating is on it so it will weld cleanly and finish out nicely on the surface.
I know, I know. Joey has built a whole car out of the stuff but I just can't do it.
In reply to Ditchdigger:
I'm with you....I can get 8 square foot 14 gauge drops at the local steel supplier for $10.68. 18,20. or 22 gauge is even less.