Dr.Linda bought me a Play Station 3 for Christmas, which was a complete surprise. She also bought me the Gran Turismo 5 game. I need to monoprice me a HDMI cable, but I have it hooked in through the NTSC video feed for now.
What are the "must have" aps, err, games?
And, while I won a couple races yesterday, that controller just isn't going to cut it for a driving game. I remember seeing an article in The Mag about driving game controllers, but I can't find it. What issue was that in? What's a good steering wheel game controller thingie that isn't too expensive? Sure, I'd like to cut a car up and put it in the living room, and told Dr.Linda I was going to do that, but it didn't go over too well. And I don't think I have the room for a quarter car in the house anyway. I also don't want to spend as as much as I've bought some cars and/or bikes for. So, which controller do I need?
Also, their Elise sucks azz. I haven't driven an Elise, but I've driven other mid engine Loti, and they are just not that twitchy. On a race track, they are easier to drive than other cars, and much more forgiving of OOOPS moments. And there's a couple Lexus, but no Toyotas. Oh well.
dude, your wife's a Dr too? and you live in bumblestick arkansaw? no wonder you've got more than one Lotus and can still pay your utility bills! 
Cables.com for the hdmi, and the controller there's only one great steering wheel the logitech gt pro or something, something...
Dr.Linda is a Chiropractor. And doctorin' ain't all they tell you it is, AC. That's why databases buy me Lotus parts today. Drink more cheap soda, I need some Locost stuff.
New Reader
12/26/09 12:44 p.m.
I have the Logitech Driving Force GT for my PS3. I seem to recall paying about $150 for it around nine months ago. I've been very pleased with it and I'd think it would be all you'd ever need if you don't plan on using the wheel on the computer with a sim.
I did cut a small block of foam and put it under the brake pedal in an attempt to allow for brake modulation.
Keep your eyes open when you're purchasing it as I believe there are at least two other wheels in the "Driving Force" line.
I've got mine mounted on an old cheapie expanded metal computer desk I had in middle school. Works fine for what it is and can easily be rolled out of the way when I need to pretend I'm an adult.
Doc, the real version of GT5 isn't out yet, only the prologue and now a free downloadable time trial challenge thing. They SAY March of '10, but it's been delayed so many times it'll probably be next Christmas.
As for wheels, the Logitec Driving Force Pro was the older model, designed for GT4 on the PS2- No clutch, just paddles and a fairly useless sequential level. Still way better than a standard controller.
The new one is the Logitec G25, it's got a clutch and gated 6sp. Reviews I've seen for it are good, but I've not used one yet.
Debating on getting a PS3 myself with some christmas cash, more for a media center for now until GT5 comes out, but the lack of DVR in the US (Play TV) is frustrating.
I didn't even realize Doc Hess was from arkanzass, might have to stop in and say hi if I get up to Bentonville later this coming year to visit my grandmother. i think the statute of limitations has come and gone since the last time I was up that direction. 
Yeah, doode. Shoot me an email next time you're in NWA. I'm in B'Ville 5 days a week and live outside of Fay.
As for "from," well, is anyone "from" NW Arkansas? Seems like half the people here are "from" Texas and the other half are from California. I grew up in California, then lived in Texas for 18 years.
You can easily build your own driving simulator. I built mine in a couple of hours out of old angle iron. Put a Miata seat (with slider) in it, even added a dead pedal. Cost was the cost of the gas and wire for the welder. If you can build a Locost frame, it shouldn't pose much of a challenge.
I have a Logitech something something wheel, one with 900 degrees of rotation. Once you have a steering setup that more closely approximates a real car, you'll discover the cars aren't as twitchy in the game. Try slapping on a half turn of lock instantly at 100 mph in a real Lotus and see what it does 
The only thing I dont like about the force feedback wheels ive used is the fact that they require too much force to turn when countersteering. Not realistic or remotely easy to use in that scenario.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Dr.Linda is a Chiropractor. And doctorin' ain't all they tell you it is, AC. That's why databases buy me Lotus parts today. Drink more cheap soda, I need some Locost stuff.
slight hijack: a good friend of mine is an ER doc in chicago, as is his wife. their malpractice insurance bill is a cool half-million per year.
ebay up your hdmi cables, i got 5 6 footers for under 12 shipped.
i like burnout paradise - not a lifelike simulator but it sure is a fun game.
I'm guessing you have Gran Turismo 5:Prologue... you should go get Gran Turismo 5: Time Trial from the Playstation Network. Go fast enough, get a nice, free, VIP trip to the Indy 500.
The most popular wheel is the G25 from Logitech. It runs about $250. The new G27 is about to or just has been released for about $300. You can find compatible wheels for $50-75 at Best Buy. I've been using a Logitech Momo Wheel since GTR1, it plugs in to the PS3 and works fine (although I can't change the buttons).
Doesn't sound like you are much of a hardcore gamer, so here are some suggestions for the casual gamer:
-F1 Challenge (cause you posted on GRM)
-Rock Band / Guitar Hero (makes a good drinking game)
-UnCharted 2 (because we all wanted to be Indiana Jones at least once)
Got Assasins Creed II for Christmas, excellent game.
Spent a few hours playing it last nice while drinking some Maker's Mark on the rocks.
New Reader
12/26/09 6:53 p.m.
Been playing Beetles Rockband with the nephews and niece on and off since yesterday. Nice thing is we all suck at this point. Fun family/drinking game but doubt I would play it by myself.
My mother in law suprised my wife and I with a Wii system. I havent hooked it up yet and know nothing about games systems other than I had a Pong game when they were new.
Not to hyjack here but can any one tell me if there is a good driving simulator out there?
Well, the last game I played was Loderunner. And Parsec before that.
I "sold" the Elise and "bought" an Evora. That's a lot better. I'd swear that someone at Sony just doesn't like the Elise. The "Evora" "performs" much more Lotusee.
I ebay'ed a 6' HDMI cable for four bucks. Now I just need that controller. Yeah, Keith, I could weld up a whole car half, but I'm a bit pressed for space. Or, in other words, we have too much crap to fit even more. I mean, we have 2 couches and a full drum set in the living room alone. Anyway, something along the lines of the Logitech sets, but for under a bill is what I need. Too bad I'm pissed at Best Buy or I'd go check them out. I sent them an email telling them that if they couldn't say "Merry Christmas" then I couldn't spend my dollars in their store. I guess I'll look at wally world.
You don't need a whole half car, just a frame to hold the wheel in front of you. Heck, you could probably make a collapsible setup that slid into place in front of the couch.
A coworker of mine is doing really well with the GT5 Time Trial. He's in the top 10 if not higher, using a controller. He borrowed my wheel for the holidays, we'll see if he gets faster. I'm guessing not.
It's true that the force feedback wheels need some beef to countersteer - kinda like my Seven :) The best thing about the 900 degree wheels is that if you do have to start winding on lock to save your life, it's elbows everywhere. Not fast, but a lot more realistic.
On the force feedback wheel, I disconnect the power chord so theres no umm force feedback But the wheel becomes too light Im afraid I might break it.
Doc-Craigslist is your friend for feedback wheels. Especially near Christmas where everyone is unloading the no longer latest and greatest. For steering wheel holders-5 years ago their used to be a guy on ebay selling something that held your steering wheel and pedals on a single frame that had 4 legs and a center backbone. 2 legs on the floor, backbone up the middle, 2 legs on either side of you to float the wheel above your lap. Worked great and pretty easy to store. I know that description is horrible, I will go search ebay to see if it still exists.
Edit: this
Looks like something that would be easy to whip up with a stick of EMT and some scrap steel.
Humm. Yeah, I got a scrap pile. I'm kinda hording my 304 stainless, but I have some scrap carbon steel salvaged from stuff. That might work. Now I just need a controller.
The wife and kids got me a PS3 too. They did get the HDMI cable but not the internet cable. Still working on that, got a cable and set it up but the system isn't recognising the cable. Might be a bad cable or I damaged it running it under the house. Will look into it more tomorrow.
This is good timing as I was wondering if a wheel could be obtained. Tried out Grand Theft Auto IV (don't understand the goal myself) and Need For Speed - Shift. I can see that both would be easier with a wheel, especially NFS. Hard to control by joystick. Will have to keep watch for a wheel.
Hey Doc, the Logitech Driving Force GT is $110 on Amazon with free shipping:
The older Pro model (that I use on my PS3/GT5 Prologue) looks like it's $100.
I really wouldn't skimp on the wheel and go for cheaper than those two, you'd miss out on a lot of the feel of the game.
12/27/09 8:39 a.m.
if i had video games, i would get one of these set ups:
Porsche GT gaming wheels and other cool stuff

OK, I ordered that Logitech Driving Force GT from Amazon. $109.99 with free shipping, gets here when it gets here. Now I need to dig some scrap out of the pile and look for some rubber feet.