Hi all,
I inherited a 98 neon RT. I was just trying to scrub the windows which look they have water spots on them. I tried glass cleaner, dish soap, and goof off to no avail. I even used a kitchen scrubber. How do I make these go away?
BTW, I'm just not getting the Neon thing. It's just another squeaky econobox, not nearly as well screwed together as the 91 Tercel we had.
8/29/08 12:28 p.m.
Did you race the Tercel? Did you race the Neon? The Neon shines when pushed hard, not so much with the Tercel in my experience. If you don't like that Neon as much as an old Tercel, you can sell it and probably buy a pair of '91 Tercels... 
Try ammonia...I've never had it NOT take something off the surface of glass.
The point of the neon is its a cheap car that gets 37 mpg, has a pretty decent amount of power for a cheap 90s 4 cylinder, and handles pretty well compared to most other fwd 4 cylinder cars.
8/29/08 1:47 p.m.
Bon Ami should take care of any problem spots on glass, with no harm to the surface.
As for the Neon, quit looking at it as you've heard 80% of the world describe it. Go drive the hell out of the thing somewhere. You'll understand then.
Um. Did you try cleaning the inside of the glass?
Just thought I'd throw that out there. 
New Reader
8/29/08 7:39 p.m.
No I'm not kiding it works
44Dwarf wrote:
No I'm not kiding it works
Works for polishing plastics(tailights and such) too. Labor intensive, but works. Get the cheap China knock kind from the dollar store.
Acid rain? Really. It's a real thing here in NY, look at older cars with chrome bumpers, right where the water drips off the hood's corner there's a nickel size bit of oxidized chrome.
Try baking soda and water mixed, nuetraized the acid.
Do your battery tray too.
Since water spots are most calcium carbonate use vinegar?
You can also use some good paint cleaner by meguiars.