The E150 has a bad engine, no oil is making it to the camshaft. This E150 came with a 4.6, early 02 model with 8th VIN letter being a W. Seeing as the engine needs to come out anyway, what would it take to install a 5.4 at this time.
I have established it needs a van engine to go in where one comes out, but how much fiddling is needed to go to a 5.4, accessories, electrics, etc.
Let the hive solve another one for me, thanks in advance

very little.
make sure you get a flexplate that works with the eight bolt crank on the 5.4 and whatever torque converter you already have. Maybe a little custom exhaust work, as the manifolds are further from each other. Might be able to just bend your y-pipe enough though.
Complete engine with accessories, flex plate, downpipe and ECU probably, and a quick trip down to the dealer to figure out whether there is a security system that is going to argue with you. The last item is probably the most critical.
5/15/14 5:24 p.m.
You dont want the 5.4, it just feels like a completely gutless and useless engine compared to the 3 valve 4.6 in my dads truck. And the gas mileage sucks and they either dont want to keep their spark plugs in the head or they'll refuse to let you take them out (depending on year).
Seeing as the intake is different, will the Triton 4.6 van intake fit onto a Triton 5.4
with adapters, yes. Since there's plenty of room, use the intake the 5.4 came with.
I disagree with leafy, and since a 3 valve 4.6 is NOT an easy swap into this Van, it's an irrelevant comparison.
2 valve heads will sometimes blow plugs. it has nothing to do with 5.4 or 4.6. they're the same head either way.
3 valve heads are the one's that stick and break the plugs off down in the hole.
Security is a non issue.
Wouldn't it be easier to just have another 428 built, and swap that in???
belteshazzar wrote:
with adapters, yes. Since there's plenty of room, use the intake the 5.4 came with.
I disagree with leafy, and since a 3 valve 4.6 is NOT an easy swap into this Van, it's an irrelevant comparison.
2 valve heads will sometimes blow plugs. it has nothing to do with 5.4 or 4.6. they're the same head either way.
3 valve heads are the one's that stick and break the plugs off down in the hole.
Security is a non issue.
I was hoping you would chime in, so is this generally as straight forward a swap as it seems or are there traps for the uninitiated?
Do I need to seek out any particular version or year of the 5.4?
Yep, 3 valve is much more of a difficult swap since it is a variable valve motor, and requires an ECU/Wiring change, which brings into play the Passive AntiTheft System where the ECU has to match the instrument cluster.
Shoot for a 99 motor if you can get it. It's got the PI heads, and an aluminum intake manifold vs. the later plastic ones.
What accessories are really needed, when I pick up the engine what should I be sure to get along with the flexplate.
you can use your old accessories.
5/29/14 10:22 p.m.
To be honest, you might even be able to get by with just reflashing the ecu to a 5.4L tune. 
You can do that, but there's no rush. in the meantime you can let the ecu just deal with it. Optimized? no. But it won't run worse than the 4.6 did.
Taking the Zombiechero to Indy to pick up a 5.4 with 68K on it, fingers crossed
All loaded up with the 5.4. stopped to eat along the way, more pics soon