No affiliation, yada, yada... and more importantly...
I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that I kinda like it. I keep having to wash my hands because I feel dirty.
I'm not crazy about the paint job, but I could deal with that. The conversion to a pickup looks well executed.
10/7/10 9:07 a.m.
The picture angles do not feature the roof well but i think I would like it more if it were not an open roof.
Is it a targa type top or is there just no roof?
Edit: in retrospect the vent windows on the front doors tells me that this started life as a convertable. Starting with a hardtop could have made a roof option easier.
10/7/10 9:45 a.m.
Actually I think that is really cool. Needz moar S52.
I have this urge to make a volvo ute
You'd want to start this project with a convertible anyway, right? Start with a sedan, and the structure is compromised when you cut the roof off.
Without the ugly paint it would be ok, its way better than alot of things i have seen.