7/10/10 9:21 p.m.
The steering on my $500 E30 has a ton of slop in it that I've traced to the steering u-joint just above the rack. On some E30s there's a large nut around the column under the dash that, if I understand correctly, tightens the 2 pieces of the column and when cranked down can take the slop out of that joint - I'm guessing by pulling on the joint a bit and changing the contact points in the joint. Unfortunately my car has the one-piece steering column, so that's not an option. Any ideas on how to fix this without replacing the u-joint completely with a new one ($250 for the part, plus probably pulling the rack and drilling out a couple rivets and replacing with bolts and locking nuts)? If I loosen the clamp at the firewall and pull on the column while retightening it will that help?
If its really the u-joint, Weld this (or something similar) on the shaft in place of the rag/rubber joint to trade a few $ for a bit more of your time fabricating. You can easily tell if that is really the culprit by getting under the car and putting your fingers before and after... have a buddy shake the wheel.
If you have a car with the 2 piece shaft & a huge lock nut in the interior near the firewall and what you have is a "rattle" feeling then tightening the nut a little will likely help (assuming the rag joint above the rack is fine).
7/10/10 10:10 p.m.
The steering guibo is fine. I can see and feel the play in the lower u-joint from above. I have no welding equipment or skills, and it would be difficult to use a simple steering ujoint in place of the standard piece, which seems awfully overcomplicated to me anyway.
7/10/10 10:17 p.m.
Unfortunately for me I have the one piece shaft, no lock nut. The rubber/thread rag/guibo is fine, at least that's one piece I won't need to replace.
7/10/10 11:08 p.m.
This is a hotlinked pic of what I have on my car - the joint to the left in the pic is closest to the rack and what's bad on my car.

Hell get rid of all that.
Theve got seval joints and shafts ect. cheap to and there nice needle bearing units to.