^ This.
Side stepping the clutch, 4000rpm dumps, powershifting on EVERY shift, and over shifting is nice way to treat a transmission if want to kill it . . .
I'm still amazed to this day that some guys say the only transmission choice is a T-56 . . . but still manage to blow them up behind a stock LS1. That I refuse to pay $1200 + on a over abused one off the net.
Hmm... This interests me, but I'd want an automatic (yes, I know, blasphemy) so my wife could enjoy the car as well.
I'm going to have to google more details of this.
I'm progressing slowly on my own e36 + 5.0 as well but I'm oh so very slow.
In reply to Brett_Murphy:
I think there maybe one or two autos out there. I haven't looked in a while. Shouldn't be hard . . . check out the conversion forums @ bimmerforums.
In reply to Moving_Target:
Advice . . .
- Find Explorer 5.0
- Swap valve spring and cam
- Get T-5
- Get E36 Swap kit
- Beat the E36 M3 out of it
- ????
- Profit
Some days I wish I did that . . .
Eh, I'm sure you've seen my thread over at bimmerforums in the engine conversion subforum:

Just started on the ABS tilt mod. Grrrrr
And yes, I did a little clean-up in the engine compartment after I took that last picture.
I even posted in that thread!!
You are doing better than I am at the moment 
Your avatar picture kinda gave you away.
I'm going to try to keep to my personal promise and have it "running", not driving but together enough to crank and fire by the end of this summer. Here's hopin!
The only thing I have left at this point is measuring for the HTOB and wiring.
I need to get my butt in the garage and bend a wrench on it.
I ordered some more parts (oil filter relocation doodad, radiator and other stuff) on friday and have found Matt's suggestion of tilting the abs pump a no-go. It still won't clear the drivers' side header so I'm thinking of making up a couple of brackets out of steel flat stock to move the pump up and over a bit. I have to remember to pick up a mini-starter next week and get busy on the wiring too.
A question for you: do you plan on using a 1 piece driveshaft or modding the BMW 2 piece one to use the Ford yoke?
I'm going to get the driveshaft shop to mod the BMW two piece. One of the guys on BF.c used a stock Mustang driveshaft . . .
Which headers are you using? I got Fendbass' setup and it should fit with the ABS tilt.
I'm planning on using an old set of BBK 351W swap headers.
I got to looking at Fendbass' setup and he made up a couple of brackets
to gain clearance for the pump so that's the route imma trying. I really don't want to have to move the pump, extend wires and all that E36 M3 if I don't have to.
Have you had any clearance issues with the GT40 intake? I've had to cut some of the bracing out of my car's hood (and I'm still not that happy with it) since I decided to use an Edelbrock RPM 2 intake instead of being smart and sticking with something closer to stock. Ugh.
Don't know yet. I know the Exploder PS pump reservoir is MUCH higher than I thought. I have to make a drop bracket for it
Alright huya I have a 92 325i I recently put in a 5.0 bored 30 over with modded 67 5.0 heads roller rockers and a pretty heafty CAM Im running a borg Warner T5 and having clutch issues I was able to mount the slave cylinder on the back of the Bell housing so it connects perfect but the stock e36 cylinder wont push far enough to put in in gear and if I start in gear and Drive down the road it slips like crazy so it doesnt matter how far i adjust I lose what are you guys using for a slave cylinder or how did you mount it?
I'm out on this one. . . I'll be using an internal Hydraulic TOB.
Which slave cylinder are you using? I know Matt's kit suggest a one and some other guys used and off the shelf stock piece.
Some guys suggest using a '81 280z non-turbo clutch slave cylinder plus bracket
Matt's manual suggests using a CNC hydraulic slave (Longacre hose and fittings) but the travel using the BMW pedal cylinder isn't the greatest.
Heh, I'm not really following Matt's manual too closely anyhow.
Me neither 
- Explorer FEAD
- SN95 Transmission
- Two piece drive shaft
- Canton Road Race Pan
- Internal Slave bearing
The Wiring portion however, will be followed to the letter.
The wiring insructions were accurate, everything on my car matched what the manual stated. The only issue I have is a non-working tachometer. I don't know if the tach is broken or I'm not feeding it the right signal.
Ooooh, a "road race" oil pan. 
The internal slave (assuming the hydraulic ratio is too far out of whack) will save you some grief with tunnel clearance. I clearanced mine with judicious use of a ball-pein.
Better late than never:
No exhaust other than the headers and just a quick start-up. Lots more to do and money to spend before it's on the road.
The BMW tach wasn't happy with the signal I was feeding it so I am using
the Tacho out feature of the MS-Extra firmware so it works.
In reply to Moving_Target: