9/5/08 9:41 a.m.
I have a line on a 95 318ti, but the seller has disassembled an unknown amount of the intake manifold intending to replace the intake valve.
When I go to look at it, what should I check for to minimize the chances of getting a crapload of other troubles? Is it a good plan for a first time shadetree mechanic to attempt to reassemble a m42 intake (signs point to no). Should I just walk away quickly?
Thanks GRM hive mind!
I rebuilt an M42.... not bad. just make sure the cams are squared off (I have the tool)
but 95....isn't the the M44?
9/5/08 10:07 a.m.
Just corresponded with the seller, and he's got the head off, not just the intake manifold. He's attempted to replace an intake valve not the intake valve (which I assumed he meant either the throttle body or IAC).
How much worse does this make it? I would have to get a real mechanic to re-assemble.
9/5/08 10:11 a.m.
grtechguy wrote:
but 95....isn't the the M44?
Could explain why my google searches were not so fruitful 
you can do it. just knock of $200 of the price and buy a new head from the salvage yard. for the $40 head gasket. is a great resource
1995 is the M42. 1996+ (like mine) got the M44.
If it's just the intake manifold, go for it. Worst case, you've got a good candidate for a swap. What's he asking?
EDIT - I'm not sure throttle bodies are available for the M42, but I know there is pretty much nothing for the M44. Just trying to figure out what "repair" he was doing.
Just assume the car is a roller and that engine is toast... then anything that is salvageable is bonus.
On the bright side, you can see how the piston tops look ;)
9/5/08 3:26 p.m.
He's asking $1500, head off and crumpled bumper & hood. Actually running ti's around Greater Toronto seem to be priced in the 3-6k range.
Pretty sure he was trying to repair a bent valve.
What bent the valve? Look for more damage
unless he can prove otherwise, you gotta assume the head is junk- or at least needs a complete rebuild.
If you pick it up, you better plan on dropping some $$ on getting the engine repaired or replaced. If it's wrecked on top of the engine damage, it's gotta be worth less than $1k.
BUT, I've been looking for a 318ti parts car for a while- since I bought my 96 ti about 1.5 years ago and I am shocked and amazed at what the salvage ti's are selling for.
FWIW, you can stick pretty much any engine that came in E36's in that ti with little fanfare- if you decide to go that route. The S50/52 E36M3 engines seem to be a common swap into the ti body.
I toyed with the idea of doing just that with mine, but it runs pretty well, and I enjoy the 30mpg.
I think a 318ti is a car thats too expensive not to buy a nice one. Which would you rather have, one you can drive home for $2500, or one that doesnt run any as far as you know needs a whole engine for $1500? I have seen one of those engine in the junkyard ever, and it was gone within days.
here's a reference:
I bought the car for $600, put $300 into it.
9/7/08 10:18 a.m.
I am going to pass on the ti. It has much more accident damage than the ad let on. If anyone in southern ontario is looking for ti parts, search
Thanks all (special gold star for grtechguy) for the quick and knowledgeable replies. GRM is by far the best forum on the internets. Hooray for adults!