I always thaught this version of the accord to have the proportions correct along with tasteful styling. You never see them anymore due to rust. I always wanted to up market one of these with slightly bigger wheels to just fill in the arches a bit more and a bit wider to help it stance.

CrustyRedXpress said:
The most direct example I can think of is the DC2 Integra. Japan consumers hated the 4 eye front end so it was redesigned in that market while the 4 eye look sold well in the rest of the world.

This! This is what I'm talking about. To my eyes there is so much less style and interest about the car on the right.
6/6/22 2:04 p.m.
What do these say about the French....?

That they're creative thinkers?
It's funny, I was going to post pictures of the Edsel, Pacer and Aztec, and I realized that all of them actually look better over time. In fact, I rather like the Edsel.