2000 Impala, 3.8, intermittently doesn't want to start if it's been stopped for a short time (like running into the store for milk.) This is my son's car at university 60 miles away, so I don't see it every day. I'm pretty sure the battery is old & worth replacing, but what else should I be looking at? Assistance gratefully received in helping me through the diagnostic process.
wont turn over or wont start?
From what I'm hearing second-hand (phone call from son to wife), it won't do anything... until it eventually does when you try it again later, and then it goes fine.
Starter or solenoid. That's where I'd start looking, anyway.
Clean and tighten the battery terminals.
Batt or starter. Those are my ideas.
Thanks, guys! I'll update this if/when I discover either a real cause or a real solution.