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Driven5 HalfDork
3/12/15 2:31 p.m.


With the first prototype engine being completed in Q1 2015, they're totally on track for "mid-2016" deliveries...Right?

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/12/15 2:38 p.m.

I have no doubts they could build the car, and I think the rest of the car is as finished as it can be running on the Swift 1L placeholder engine, so even the schedule isn't unrealistic.

However their business plan is more optimistic than North Korean internal propaganda so I don't know how long they'd be able to keep selling them.

EvanR Dork
3/12/15 3:17 p.m.

Well, if they meet their target of $6800 (which I strongly doubt) this will be cheaper than any 1-liter motorcycle I know.

My hopes are weak, but I can easily see a $7k Elio and a $7k used half-ton pickup as dang near the perfect solution for all my transportation needs, and only $14k.

series8217 Reader
3/12/15 4:02 p.m.

I read the URL before I read the title: elio-introduces-9-liter-three-cylinder-engine-84-mpg-trike

The visions in my head of this 9 liter 3-banger trike engine were amazing.

DrBoost UltimaDork
3/12/15 4:31 p.m.

I was planning on buying one, but 3 weeks ago mu daily commute went from 86 miles to 4. I'm getting a Wrangler

T.J. PowerDork
3/12/15 5:49 p.m.

How does someone write an article about a new engine and fail to list the engines output? I see that it a 0.9L 3 cylinder, but how much HP and torque is it expected to make? What are the target numbers? I swear most people who make a living as journalists would not have passed the class at my junior high school where they had to write things for the school newspaper.

I would say the engine has not been unveiled or if it has then whomever wrote the article is holding out on us.

ProDarwin UberDork
3/12/15 9:03 p.m.
T.J. wrote: How does someone write an article about a new engine and fail to list the engines output? I see that it a 0.9L 3 cylinder, but how much HP and torque is it expected to make? What are the target numbers? I swear most people who make a living as journalists would not have passed the class at my junior high school where they had to write things for the school newspaper. I would say the engine has not been unveiled or if it has then whomever wrote the article is holding out on us.

My thoughts as well. No pictures, no bore/stroke. Dohc/Sohc? Direct injection? Any new technology? Technical details of any sort would be nice.

Shellemonster New Reader
3/12/15 10:38 p.m.

I too was disappoint after having visions of a thumping huge 9 liter stuffed in a trike.

Driven5 HalfDork
3/12/15 11:23 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote: ...so even the schedule isn't unrealistic.

In other words, they'll need to fall back on the old "customer led" testing and development cycle...That always ends well.


T.J. wrote: I would say the engine has not been unveiled or if it has then whomever wrote the article is holding out on us.

The official Elio press release is right there. It's not the journalists fault that they included absolutely no useful information. A complete lack of meaningful technical details has traditionally been a hallmark of the marketing awesomeness that is Elio. As far as I'm aware, here is the rest of the "unveiling" for this 'prototype' engine:


Vracer111 Reader
3/12/15 11:24 p.m.
ProDarwin wrote:
T.J. wrote: How does someone write an article about a new engine and fail to list the engines output? I see that it a 0.9L 3 cylinder, but how much HP and torque is it expected to make? What are the target numbers? I swear most people who make a living as journalists would not have passed the class at my junior high school where they had to write things for the school newspaper. I would say the engine has not been unveiled or if it has then whomever wrote the article is holding out on us.
My thoughts as well. No pictures, no bore/stroke. Dohc/Sohc? Direct injection? Any new technology? Technical details of any sort would be nice.

The aliens haven't returned with the engine prototype and associated specs/CAM data that was promised to Elio on that special star fated meeting with the extra terrestrials...it's not Elio's fault they don't have any specs on the motor!

Edit: Looks like the aliens at least put a video on The Cloud for Elio to use in their marketing...

T.J. PowerDork
3/13/15 6:20 a.m.

True that I cannot blame the 'journalist' for the content of the Elio press release, but I can blame the 'journalist' for a E36 M3ty article. It's not a journalist's job to provide PR by just publishing press releases. I'm not an Elio hater nor have I put down deposit on one. I just want to know more about the car and the article really didn't give me what I want.

Driven5 HalfDork
3/13/15 8:33 a.m.

Reacting this strongly to stories that are nothing more than a synopsis of other published sources which are often times hopelessly vague, full of incomplete information, and lacking in meaningful details...You must really hate this little thing called, the news.

T.J. PowerDork
3/13/15 1:42 p.m.

In reply to Driven5:

I try to avoid it. I usually watch the local news, but usually it is only the weather that is local. The national network news is terrible. I just want journalist to do their jobs and not just be mouthpieces that spout off whatever press release is provided to them. Not asking too much. I believe journalists, as a whole, are the bottom of the barrel in terms of actually doing what they are supposed to be doing. There is way more news to be had via blogs and youtube than the actual news.

In the case of Elio, if there are a lot of people who doubt that the car will ever actually be sold and claim it to be vaporware, why would they release such a crappy half-assed press release that is missing basic information? Why wouldn't someone who was writing an article about it think to ask the question?

alfadriver UltimaDork
3/13/15 2:00 p.m.

In reply to T.J.:

Because it is just vaporware?

It would be really interesting for a car like this to add itself to the auto market- I doubt it will sell a lot, but it's welcome.

The signs that this is that car seem quite thin.

And this annoucement of the first running prototype just solidifies that sign, to me. So far, this is the only company that I know of who go out of their way to have a press release for so many minor things. Sure, there are rumors of stuff happening at every company, but the goal is to not tell anyone so that they react.

Then there's the timing thing- for every car company I'm aware of, the time from first prototype engine to production is about 4 YEARS. Yes, years. If the engine is not new, it's still 2-3 years from first car installation to production. (I'm pretty sure our 1.0l 3 cyl would be ready without turbos for their car in about 2-3 years, if so asked)

That may be different for motorcycles, since that's what this is.

But for sure, it's a 100% new engine. So having that ready, including all of the suppliers, in just over a year, that seems really hard to do. Let alone in the numbers they think they can sell.

So the less they tell you, the more you think it will happen, and the less likely someone will pull their plug out of the wall.

erohslc Dork
3/13/15 2:11 p.m.

Where's the innovation? Lot's of folks already have a pretty good handle on building motors just like it.

It's same as saying 'we will design and build our own tires, which will be just like the ones you can already buy'

T.J. PowerDork
3/13/15 2:21 p.m.
alfadriver wrote: In reply to T.J.: So the less they tell you, the less you think it will happen, and the more likely someone will pull their plug out of the wall.

FTFM. Agree with everything you said, except the conclusion. The more they themselves act like the car is vaporware the more I will assume it is vaporware. Perhaps silly press releases like this keep the folks who sent in deposits happy, but my original gripe was with the person who wrote the article which was nothing more than a re-preint of the press release plus some fluff on how many ounces someones hurrican drink is.

Ian F
Ian F MegaDork
3/13/15 2:23 p.m.

I'd guess the HP and technical specs were intentionally witheld from the press release. They want to emphasize "84 MPG" and "100 MPH top speed" (note no 0-60 times are mentioned either). Stating the HP (and how little that actually needs to be - I'd bet 50 tops) would simply provide fodder for critics. Especially in a country where HP numbers are so heavily featured in advertisements.

To the market the Elio is focused on, the technical specs don't really matter.

alfadriver UltimaDork
3/13/15 2:23 p.m.

In reply to erohslc:

If you are asking me- this isn't about a new, innovative engine design, just a fresh, 100% new engine.

Other than the fasteners, the whole engine has to be made from scratch. Designed, developed, made, etc. That takes time to do that.

If there is no modern tech on it, like variable cams or direct injection- it still will take months to properly map, and more months to properly make sure it works in all conditions all of the time. And there's the work to make sure that it won't break. Then there's the whole production side of things- making sure you can even make the parts in volume, and that the suppliers can make their part, in volume, and wont break.

If ALL of that goes well, and there's no major re-design, 4 years. Major tech could add up to a year to debug and make sure it works as intended.

Again, other than most of the fasteners, none of this is made by anyone.

edit- I forgot about the transmission. That's probably brand new, too.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/13/15 2:39 p.m.
Ian F wrote: Stating the HP (and how little that actually needs to be - I'd bet 50 tops) would simply provide fodder for critics.

With 50hp this thing will feel quick and light up the rear tire with ease.

alfadriver UltimaDork
3/13/15 2:43 p.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH:

Isn't it supposed to be FWD?

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/13/15 2:50 p.m.

Whoops you're right, had a brainfart.

It'll do front one-wheel-peels with ease then

neon4891 UltimaDork
3/13/15 10:26 p.m.

I still want one, but at this point, it's a little too vaporware for my money.

yamaha MegaDork
3/13/15 11:26 p.m.

Considering the entire business model is based off of loans from the government.....its vaporware. Just like Carbon Motors was. Elio will take what money he can, line his pockets, then declare bankruptcy....

The_Jed UberDork
3/14/15 4:48 a.m.

I was excited when I first heard about it but now it saddens and angers me a bit.

I'd rather have an Aptera but, since they (assuming they make it to production) will cost around $50,000 I'll keep burning gasoline and biking whenever possible.

XLR99 GRM+ Memberand Reader
3/14/15 6:07 a.m.

I think alfadriver's 'in the know' analysis pretty well sums it up. I was wondering why they'd want to do a clean sheet engine rather than just dropping something in, then I thought about Yamaha's post. Too bad, as a real-world version of something like this could fill a mission for a lot of people

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