As it says above, I'm looking for somebody who is interested in doing the crew thing up near Narrowsburg, NY
We would need you at the event from Friday, October 28 - Sunday, October 30th
What I can offer: A place to sleep in a nearby motel, some food, and probably a pretty damn good time!
What I'd ask: I'd need you to help get the car physically through tech while we recce.
The services should be 2-3 times a day. Barring any extracurricular activities, they should be comprised of checking the car/suspension over for damage, helping with tire pressures, swapping tires around, cleaning glass and keeping the car topped up with Oil, Coolant, Gas, and drinking water.
Mechanical knowledge isn't exactly required. While it would help, we can make anyone with an open mind useful
As always, It's rally. Just about anything can be in the workscope, things can get interesting
Gear: I'll bring my road tool set, jacks, EZ UP, torque wrench, and impact gun. You should bring changes of clothes, a tool kit if you prefer to work from your own, and maybe a set of jackstands because I only have 2.
Team: So far it is Myself, Chris Greenhouse is co-driving, and possibly one other crew person who has not confirmed yet.
Car: Mk2 VW on it's 30th rally so it is well worn. Most of the wear items are recent, and the car tends to be pretty tough.
If you are interested, or have any questions, Please let me know
-Rob Russo