My neighbor across the alley has died, and his small fleet will be going up for sale, probably after I get them all checked over. 59 Bugeye Sprite, 67 Mustang convertible, 65 Buick Electra 225 4 door, 75 Ford van and a fairly late model Lincoln Town car. They are all quite nice, and as well maintained as a 93 year old guy could make them. Sprite and Mustang should be fairly easy to value, but how much is a 65 Electra worth?
Hagerty sez $8500 for condition 3 '65 deuce and a quarter 4-dr sedan
I don't see an Estate Car on the list.

In reply to Streetwiseguy:
$2015 - when can I pick it up? 
It may be a tough sell though. I think you would be more about 6-7K for a quicker sell.
My neighbor across the street was in a Ford club throughout the 50s & 60s. He and his wife had a three story barn full of cars, from a 1911 Model T that was her grandfather's to '55 T-Birds, a dual cowl phaeton and a shoebox with all the gages in Spanish.
Hank passed away and a "friend of the family" helped out by taking care of the sale. He scarfed all the good stuff and put ridiculous prices on what was left.
You have a wonderful opportunity but don't get your hopes too high.... 
I don't want any of it, really. Walt was a good neighbor, and I'm just trying to help the family out. The Buick does appeal to the big old GM sedan guy in me, but NO. Just no. But nailhead and sweeping vistas of rear seat...
Matt B
9/2/15 8:38 a.m.
I thought we were about to pretend we're British and talk about wagons. I was wrong. 
bludroptop wrote:
I don't see an Estate Car on the list.
kinda along the same thought pattern....

Yeah, I personally don't see an Electra Sedan going for $8500 unless it's super clean.
60's sedans are a tough sell unless they're an iconic year and make and top of the line. Anyone in the market for a '65 Electra is in all likelihood only interested in a convertible or Hardtop.
Where do you live? No Reserve consignment at a collector car auction may be the best route to go for the family with the Electra (and maybe the Van too if it's clean - although the van will be more likely to attract interest in Craigslist I think).