Being cheap, I put some bargain centric pads on the front of the Miata. Now, every time I pull up to an intersection, they squeak like a motherberkleyer.
It's bad. It's loud. The squeak lasts for as long as I'm braking.
Thirty years ago, when I worked in a shop, we sprayed Permatex on the back of pads to keep the horrible brake squeak to a minimum. What's the anti-squeak goo of choice now? The car is my DD. It'll see 2-3 track days this year.
they actually sell little packs of the anti vibration coating at the counter in most parts stores!
I've used this stuff to pretty good effect
Noise free
Did you scuff the rotors? What's the surface finish like?
Make sure the calipers move freely?
Anti-squeek goo is a band-aid and shouldn't be needed.
You've heard the old Harley riders line about loud pipes saveing lives? Loud brakes probably save more pedestrian lives...
BMW bike riders prefer loud ties.
assuming you change out the bargain pads on track days?!
westsidetalon wrote:
assuming you change out the bargain pads on track days?!
I'm in this boat...bargain parts store pads have NO PLACE at an HPDE.
You get what you pay for. Now go buy some Wagner Thermoquiets. (not for track use, but really nice for a DD)