My Formula car has the standard quick disconnects for an external battery, kinda like this one from Summit Racing. We're talking about the flat connectors similar to this type (thanks,

I've been searching for a pre-made external jumper battery with these connectors, but so far without much success. Might be a Google-fu failure and me missing the correct technical term for the battery in my vocabulary. Does such a beast actually exist or do I have to take a normal external jumper battery box and change out the terminals?
I did a similar thing in my last truck. I bought some 15' jumper cables and cut 2' off the one end. The 2' section I wired to the battery with ring terminals, and put an Anderson on the other end in the grille. The remaining 13' I put an anderson on the bare end. This way, getting a jump or giving a jump is super simple. Hook up to the other battery and plug into the Anderson. No chance for sparks near the batteries. Don't even have to open the hood.
I say make it. No need to buy. Its pretty simple. Do it just like the picture below, but connect to the starter/solenoid and whatever juice you want on the left end.
That idea, by the way, I stole from tow trucks.

You can get the connector shells and crimp terminals from McMaster, there are a couple different sizes so make sure you order the right ones. I use them together with welding cable to build cables for my winch, quickjack, etc.
You do need a fairly beefy crimp tool to build them. I use the big hydraulic crimp tool from harbor freight, seems to work well.
Fork truck batteries use that type of connector but their 300+LBS...