Appleseed wrote:
24 hour notice is required for the closing of an active airport, unless you're Mayor Daley.
That made me laugh. Too bad O'Hare doesn't have a really serious air traffic problem that could be resolved by utilizing an underused island park.
Oh wait.
To the point at hand, we actually had a small airport busted for doing this by the FAA when they closed it down for drag races. Apparently there was some confusion from a couple of pilots that tried to make an approach without looking first.
5/15/13 7:54 p.m.
ETR had worked its way thru all the hoop and hurdles of closing FAA facilities until the locals requested insurance policy in amount large enough to cover any airplane that "might" be at the facility. Even SCCA had not heard of that requirement. Do you know the value of 737?
mtownneon wrote:
From my conversations with a friend who is heavily involved with SCCA in helping secure sites says the real problem is that every FFA district is its own fiefdom and it all depends on who is making the decisions in that district. So if you have a FFA district head that doesn't care for motorsports or doesn't want to deal with it, your SOL.
Agreed. And not just if the FAA weenie(s) are anti motorsports. It can be if they are hyper on liability or appearance of impropriety, or whatever.
The0retical wrote:
To the point at hand, we actually had a small airport busted for doing this by the FAA when they closed it down for drag races. Apparently there was some confusion from a couple of pilots that tried to make an approach without looking first.
That's because they didn't check for the G Damn notams ( notice to airmen ). The same reason they are always nailing someone for busting the temporary restricted airspace around Air Force 1 / President. I am guessing it was the pilots, not the airport.
That was a Meigs Field reference. 
We've run into this as well. Our state police were training at an unused runway, and they even gave them the boot.
jstein77 wrote:
jonnyd330 wrote:
jstein77 wrote:
That's odd - we had an event in Deland last month and one coming up this weekend in Sebring, both sites containing active airports. Is your club closing a normally active runway to hold the event?
What club do you run with? I would make the drive for those.
Central Florida Region SCCA.
Cool thanks, I just signed up for this weekend.
So seing as how most of these airports are funded by Grants from Tax dollars why is this ok? Do I as a tax paying citizen not have the right to use a facility I pay to maintain assuming I do so in a safe fashion?
nocones wrote:
So seing as how most of these airports are funded by Grants from Tax dollars why is this ok? Do I as a tax paying citizen not have the right to use a facility I pay to maintain assuming I do so in a safe fashion?
My taxes pay for the Police Department but I don't have a "right" to borrow a squad car or a patrolman's service weapon.
We may be granted the privilege of using public facilities for non-intended functions but the burden is on us to show the benefit to the greater community. You (and I) have rights, but this ain't one of them.
I'd like to see what clout the national club might be able to do to address the concerns of the FAA (and the military, as some of the best sites are on active bases) but until that happens we will be subject to the whims of the local tribal chief, whomever that might be.
I hear what you mean I guess what I'm saying Is I have a problem with is the fact that even after showing those things and having a proven record of safety and being willing to jump through hoops they can just say.. NO despite official policy being it's OK with proper procedure.
I agree, but some of those tribal chiefs are so risk-averse that the mere possibility of a problem is enough for them to say "why take the chance".
Damage sometimes does occur, even with the best run clubs.
A local club used to contribute generously to the base MWR fund and offer other perks to active duty personnel, but even that isn't enough to shake the current brass from their position.
Now if the FAA or DOD struck a deal with the SCCA and subsequently issued a directive identifying this as a beneficial use, then the doors would open wide. Until that happens (if ever) then each battle will have to be fought in the trenches, and we're likely to lose more than we win.
In reply to Keith Tanner:
The Gimli Glider!
I remember when the miltiary bases supported racing and I don't mean just autocrossing. .
You can thank Curtis LeMay for that.