I've been looking a picking up an Elio when they go into production ( in theory 3rd 1/4 of next year)
My commute is 30 miles one way & mostly highway.
I was watching Drive Angry with my wife last night (yes, I know) and a 71/72 Chevelle was shown on screen. My wife, who is a car-as-an-appliance person, announced that the liked it. Naturally, I've been on CL & found a 72 that needs a bit of work for about $7k obo.
I have an old Accord sedan (34mpg last tank) & an old Civic (38+mpg) to commute in.
I also have an ACVW & 88 Fiero GT for toys.
She has a Fusion that we use as "the good car".
And we have the requisite F150
All that being said, which, if any, car should a persue?

I can't figure out how to hot link on my ipad. Sry, no Chevelle pic.
I'd say Chevrolet even without the picture
I have a GF that has similar opinions. Get the Chevelle. You need it to round out your collection. And you can take it places instead of your "nice car".
I vote for the Chevelle as well. I am curious what class the Elio will be in for autocross though 
6/13/14 2:08 p.m.
The Chevelle. You already have commuters. I have a 71 SS and really like it.
6/13/14 2:13 p.m.
Get the Chevelle now, sell one of two commuters now (Accord or Civic) to make space/keep you out of hot water at home, then replace the remaining commuter with the Elio when it is available.
Cross the Elio bridge when and if it ever goes into production. Like you, I'm curious and interested in it, for the same basic reasons.

Another Chevelle vote here.
I really wanted to believe the Elio wasn't vaporware, but their business plan is so optimistic, a North Korean propaganda writer would say it's not believable enough.
Sounds like the hive believes the choice isn't so odd.
I envy you your disposable income ! ! !
I would go with the Elio because it just seems like it would be a total thrill to drive anywhere/everywhere. Having the Chevelle would be fun as well, but would get tiring, for me, anyway. Having to park it in such a way/place so as not to get it dented or scratched when going out with it. Treating it like the investment that it is. Not being able to just drive it to the movies/into the city and leave it in the parking lot unattended.
A classic car can be chore to own, a new Elio would be a ball !
But that's just how I see it.
6/13/14 8:59 p.m.
Ug. I just can't get behind the ChevelleNova442CutlasGTO cars. They all look the same, and there are 483,928 at every cruise in. Can you say boooooooring? Please, get something a little different. Get an AMC, Corvair, Elio, International Harvester, just about ANYTHING but one of those cars.
DrBoost wrote:
Ug. I just can't get behind the ChevelleNova442CutlasGTO cars. They all look the same, and there are 483,928 at every cruise in. Can you say boooooooring? Please, get something a little different. Get an AMC, Corvair, Elio, International Harvester, just about ANYTHING but one of those cars.
Says the guy who has a vehicle that looks essentially the same when they roll off the assembly line today as they did when they were used to fight Hitler in WW2 as his avatar pic...
id buy the chevelle for sure, im not even a big fan of the gm A body but its more of a fun investment then anything.
Chevelle. Especially since the wife Is on board so she'll be happy to take it out instead of being dragged along in something she doesn't like.
if you are going to get a chevelle.. how about an el Camino instead?

6/14/14 1:09 p.m.
novaderrik wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
Ug. I just can't get behind the ChevelleNova442CutlasGTO cars. They all look the same, and there are 483,928 at every cruise in. Can you say boooooooring? Please, get something a little different. Get an AMC, Corvair, Elio, International Harvester, just about ANYTHING but one of those cars.
Says the guy who has a vehicle that looks essentially the same when they roll off the assembly line today as they did when they were used to fight Hitler in WW2 as his avatar pic...
At least they only made one vehicle that looks like a Jeep. GM made almost every car look just like the Chenovelletlass.
6/14/14 3:17 p.m.
DrBoost wrote:
Ug. I just can't get behind the ChevelleNova442CutlasGTO cars. They all look the same, and there are 483,928 at every cruise in. Can you say boooooooring? Please, get something a little different. Get an AMC, Corvair, Elio, International Harvester, just about ANYTHING but one of those cars.
Man I don't even.... Wow. I don't have anything against corvairs or AMCs, but I think I'll keep my 454ss thanks. I have quite a few less common cars too, but I really dig the Chevelle. It's fun to have options. As far as the Elio.... I'd rather just keep commuting on a motorcycle like I do now, but I would like to see them turn out some cars and see what comes of it.
6/14/14 3:17 p.m.
Yea, you would have better luck watching the polar ice caps melt to nothing in front of your very eyes than see the Elio go into production.....Buy something else, then buy a CanAm spyder and custom rebody it.
Chevy. The Elio looks meh, and like a pipe dream. Just car pool.