New Reader
3/13/11 6:45 p.m.
Far being for me to defend the original contest brief but the following was on the main contest web page, and it is pretty clear.
-Two-seater roadster design (removable hard top may be added in concept drawings)
If one's design doesn't work with this, just keep trying. It is not impossible, just takes some inspiration and talent.
New Reader
3/13/11 6:55 p.m.
I think the "top" issue is almost a debate between people that want a track day car (not top) and those that want a frequent drive (with roll-up windows and a top).
Even if the top becomes an option, I think it should be thought of in the design if it is to look right. On top of that, desinging the doors so they can add roll-up windows as a future option should also be designed from the start. I'm not even sure they've added roll-up windows to the GTM after all those years.
What I would suggest, is use all the glass surfaces of the Elise and mould the door frame from the same car. Then, build around it. That seems simple enough!!! But then, I know nothing about car design! 
3/13/11 7:14 p.m.
That poll was setup entirely wrong to get an accurate headcount, so I would take those numbers with a grain of salt. Plus the population voting is not entirely accurate of potential buyers. For me, I would love to see a Porsche 918 style car with a targa top option, but that doesn't mean I am not going to buy it if it's an open top beast like this.

I know a lot of you don't want to hear this, but the above type of design solves a lot of problems, makes the car lighter, faster, easier to build (no door or glass fitment needed), and cuts the cost BIG time. How many of you have actually built a kit car? Fitting doors and glass is no easy task. Just saying.
I know this is the design thread..... but i'll come right out and say that i will NOT buy it if i can't get a hardtop and windows. Ever, unfortunately. Used market, new market, 10 years down the road market.
In reply to kreb: No one is asking for it to be included in the base price of the kit. It does sound, however, that they consider weather protection and being more road usable as not important. An all-out lightweight speedster and nothing else. A design doesn't have to be all one or the other. A good design can be built as either a light track car or a roadworthy vehicle. I think that it is important for FF to realize, through the voices here and elsewhere, how much potential sales will be lost if a design is picked which doesn't allow for future additions that will make the car more livable.
Actually with the single doner concept, and reusing certain parts- as with all other FF kits- a 15k completion cost is not out of the realm of possibility. But I'll also say this ALL projects(of this type) end up costing more and taking longer than expected. So maybe, a design that uses that subaru doner cars glass and window assemblies, although that would make it a little less racy and a bit.....wait a minute I just got an idea!

Still in the rough phaze, hope to move forward based on some feedback. Scrapped the open top roadster idea based on peoples views around here
New Reader
3/14/11 4:20 a.m.
^^The second one does a good job taking out the long curved line of the other two, which I think pulls the car tight to the center and ultimately look shorter. If you can find a way to simplify the lines of the rear fender, wing and bumper to flow with the front I think it could be successful. The windshield, window, and the roof of the car could look better if you pulled it forward just a tad. Like you said though, "still in the rough phaze" plenty opportunity to get some good feedback.
New Reader
3/14/11 10:33 a.m.
I have to say, I'm disappointed my design wasn't chosen as this week's winner, but congrats to Xabier!
TCL1999 wrote:
I have to say, I'm disappointed my design wasn't chosen as this week's winner, but congrats to Xabier!
lol, in a way I agree. I drew my car the way I wanted it to look, but I can also certainly admit when Ive been outgunned. I love to draw, but that doesnt mean Im any good at it. I loved Xabiers design, and honestly, if I have to lose, Id rather lose to a beauty like what he submitted.
Congrats Xabier. Nice original design and a deserved weekly win.
ANTON wrote:
INDEPENDENT YOU ALL THE SUCCESS AND Freaky in designer attempts !
How can this NOT make it into the magazine?
It's got a nice flow to it. I'd like to put it over some beats.
Rotr8 wrote:
Argo1 wrote:
Guys- For those of us who have submitted, or are working on GT or hardtop type designs, we can quit working on them. Jim from Factory Five posted this on the Factory Five forums:
"To those who want a top I understand but if we are to meet all of our other goals, price, simplicity, and weight, it cannot be part of the initial project. I do not see this car comparable to a boxster or s2000, which while great cars compromise perfomance for daily driveability. What we are making is an elemental sports car in the spirit of a lotus 7 or Atom but with just enough more chassis and body to be comfortable driving around on the street with full size SUVs and Semis in the next lane. For us to try and squeeze a top and functional side windows into a car this price they would be more of a frustrating compromise than an actual benefit. A soft top similiar to the new roadster top is still very possible as an option, but it would likely come after the car is launched."
Though I (and many others on their forum) might feel that it is a big mistake to design a car without at least basic weather protection, that is the direction of the contest. Proceed accordingly.
I 'm more than a little bit confused on the mixed signals that are being generated from various sources in this competition, why would you need to put this much effort into a design competition for a purely dedicated track car if you cant enjoy it for extended periods of time on the open road. The enthusiasts (seems to be only a few in the community) interested in a track only car probably don't really car too much about the looks as long as it goes like stink. Then you have the design lead announcing there is no wiggle room for a more complete road car and on the other the president of the company encouraging and absolutely applauding designs like 05xtsy for such a great design( very much of a 'road' car design which has a structured and integrated c-pillar and targa top. Of which is the direction of my first design, now seems 'irrelevant' ) Im wondering when it comes down to the selection of candidates what will be prioritized, a pretty design that is generated from the outcry of a targa from the community or a bare bones track entry???
I have a Jeep. It has no doors. It has no top. It is an awesome vehicle to drive to work on nice days or tool around in the mountains on pretty weekends.
I don't see the lack of weather protection being a big deal on the FF vehicle.
New Reader
3/14/11 2:13 p.m.
Hi people,
First of all thanks for choosing me as the weekly winner, I want to say that I am working on it and I hope to be able to send the final project soon. I still have to decide how the rear is going to be because i have some different sketches here and none of them is as good as I want it to be so I still have to work on it.
Luke wrote:
My favouite so far is this one by 4cylndrfury:
Love the stocky proportions, and I could totally see that as a real car.
Thanks Luke, Im honored! Im glad you see what I do in its proportion. Stocky is EXACTLY the look I was going for!
4cylndrfury wrote:
Luke wrote:
My favouite so far is this one by 4cylndrfury:
Love the stocky proportions, and I could totally see that as a real car.
Thanks Luke, Im honored! Im glad you see what I do in its proportion. Stocky is EXACTLY the look I was going for!
Gotta say, not what I was expecting, or what I am drawing, but it certainly looks the part. Part sleek Jeep, part dune buggy, part Lotus 7.
I have to say too, my girlfriend won't let me buy a kit that doesn't have roll up windows and a roof.
She doesn't want me to get a track only toy. It needs to be daily drive capable. (And that includes windows and a roof, so I can park it and go shopping, to restaurants, and whatnot)
I didn't comment on that yet - I wanted a roof and windows. Anything else makes it really "kit"ish, in a bad way.
Cooluser23 wrote:
It needs to be daily drive capable. (And that includes windows and a roof, so I can park it and go shopping, to restaurants, and whatnot)
You're cheating yourself if you require a roof on all of your vehicles.
New Reader
3/14/11 4:30 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Cooluser23 wrote:
It needs to be daily drive capable. (And that includes windows and a roof, so I can park it and go shopping, to restaurants, and whatnot)
You're cheating yourself if you require a roof on all of your vehicles.
Seriously, come to Seattle. It rains here all the time. Granted, it's not a substantial amount of rain, but still. You can't trust that you will see 24 hours without rain, even if the forecast is sunny. I don't want to wait around for the 3 weeks in July where we get sun to drive this thing, because even then I'll have to carry a tarp around just in case.
So you ride home with the occasional case of damp-ass. Still a worthy tradeoff for a open top IMO.
Hey where do you guys post the weekly design entry
and also where can i view the other entrants
DILYSI Dave wrote:
So you ride home with the occasional case of damp-ass. Still a worthy tradeoff for a open top IMO.
I live up here, and no, no it is not.
No top = no dice.