We will be announcing the panel of Judges shortly. The group of guys have a tremendous amount of experience and street-cred. The reason we've kept it quiet for now is the last two judges have not confirmed and we want to announce the entire group so that guys can see that their hard work will be evaluated by serious professionals with outstanding credentials. There is plenty of time before June 1st deadline and these are early days. More to come indeed.
Dave Smith
I also am distracted by the mixed signals. Seems the design constraints require a roadster. Would have been great if they had said that from the beginning. I'm holding out for a top.
Re-using the Subie windshield is a superb cost reducing idea, though it was noted on the FFR site that reusing a windshield isn't easy. Which windshields are plentiful worldwide and inexpensive? Something to consider...
SPEEDBOY has an outstanding design. The Street Machine is my favorite. With the Track-Day Weapon, you may want to move the roof scoop to the area between the headrests. And a screen behind the headrests would make cockpit wind tolerable.
I was also wondering, what happens when we uncover the front suspension? The rear fairing would have to stay for the side scoop. To me, the engine compartment vent seems larger than the suction. Any reason for this? Maybe consider some glass over the engine? Looks great on the GTM.
05xtsy WOW. This is by far most practical design so far. Is that to scale? Absolutely keep the side vents. And the spoiler - yes. Does it retract? Outstanding lines past the front wheel. Seems the targa may still be a possibility. Might blow the budget, but with a beauty like that, who cares??
New Reader
3/15/11 8:34 p.m.
I formally retract the roadster part of my comment. Posts were added as I typed.
All I can say is that I don't envy the judges. Tough decisions they will have. (spoken in my best Yoda)
There are bits and pieces of every design that appeal to me in some way. I do like Xabier and 05xtsy's concepts the best so far. Very street and good for us vette hunters. I'd love to get an 1800 lb car next to one of them with my 2.2L flat 4 stroker. Whoo hoo.
With all of the designs flowing in Dave, you're going to have enough ideas to start another division of Factory Five. I agree...keep all your options open. Heck, design one solid uniform chassis but be able to attach multiple bodies. The buyer can pick their poison. You want a roadster, buy the roadster body. Track junkie, we've got you covered.
Let's not use a Subaru windshield!! If I'm trying to save money by buying a rollover subaru WRX, or something similar, there is a pretty good chance as in 99% that the roof is caved in and windows are smashed.
- just saying.

Another own idea, what do you thin about it?
New Reader
3/16/11 5:50 a.m.
I am glad you like it!!
But I want you to know this is a preliminary sketch and many things may change for the final proposal, and the side view is still missing, which will be done once the rear and the front are completed. If you have any tip on what I should change on the rear or the front please tell me, I will try to do the best because all of us like this kind of cars, where the more important thing is the driving sensations and performance, I really like this contest!
xabier wrote:
I am glad you like it!!
But I want you to know this is a preliminary sketch and many things may change for the final proposal, and the side view is still missing, which will be done once the rear and the front are completed. If you have any tip on what I should change on the rear or the front please tell me, I will try to do the best because all of us like this kind of cars, where the more important thing is the driving sensations and performance, I really like this contest!
I'm not a fan of center exit exhausts. Especially on this one where the trans is going to be sticking back there, and plumbing it would be wonky. $.02
3/16/11 8:31 a.m.
Dave thanks for the info and it is great to think we could get a car that could be driven in the rain. I live in western Washington.
Are you saying no truck designs?.....just havin' fun
New Reader
3/16/11 9:32 a.m.
Sultan wrote:
Dave thanks for the info and it is great to think we could get a car that could be driven in the rain. I live in western Washington.
Are you saying no truck designs?.....just havin' fun
I'm going to guess you live in Sultan? :)
Are there templates for front/rear views? I might be being boneheaded, but I don't think i saw them.
I heart Dave Smith.
More information to dispel the "open car only" rumor-
scardeal wrote:
Are there templates for front/rear views? I might be being boneheaded, but I don't think i saw them.
No, but I've seen several entries that repurposed the top view for front and rear. Clever!
This might be helpful for those who are trying to reuse subie parts:
New Reader
3/16/11 11:34 a.m.
Did anyone notice that Dave mentioned the donor as a 2002-2007 WRX? I'm guessing that means they aren't going to be utilizing the 2008+ Imprezas as donors. I don't know how much is common between the two.
In reply to xabier:
WOW I see a little Lotus/Ferrari in there! looks great! but I would prefer side exit exhaust or maybe from the corners of the bumper versus center exit personally.
Xabier, too bad you're not a chick, I really like the looks of your rear end!
New Reader
3/16/11 1:35 p.m.
(I also put this up over on the FF site but, being a newbee, they won't post it until moderator review)
I have read some comments about using the Subaru windshield for this vehicle. As one post pointed out, many donors would not have good glass - if it was intact, it might be dull and scratched.
The main problem is the size and shape of the Subaru ws. The corners are all sharp which doesn’t lend itself to many configurations.
I am working on a Suburu powered project (VW chassis) and looked into other options for it. The best I could find was the Chevy Aveo ws which is smaller and has round corners. Based on a rough measurement in a parking lot, it is about 52” wide at the base (3” less than the Subaru), 45” wide at the top (1.5” less than Subaru) and about the same length from base to top center. It has a flatish shape so can be laid back more than the production angle without the c-line looking too crowned.
Whatever windshield is finally picked up, the fiberglass perimeter would pick up not only the mounting flanges but the wiper-cowl area – so production wiper components could easily be used.
John Brown wrote:
Xabier, too bad you're not a chick, I really like the looks of your rear end!
And into the mag goes another pithy mofo quote lolol
I'm glad Dave posted to clear things up for us regarding the hard top concerns. I would like to go on record saying that if the choice came down to a $9900 kit that had no provision for a top and a $12000 kit that included a simple targa top and some zip-in/veclro-in windows, I'm not going to balk at the extra $2k. Do I think it SHOULD cost an extra $2k for a basic roof and windows? No.. I think even a simple targa "tent" style roof like the one provided for the boxster spider would be more than sufficient.

The vertical portion seen on the boxster could be completely eliminated by a clever rear roll hoop with a flexible plastic or plexiglass insert behind the passengers' heads. If the roof clips on to the top of the windshield frame and then presses down on the roll bar frame it should prove to be water tight enough. Throw in a pair of flexible plastic windows and somewhere in the frunk (front trunk) to stow it all and I'm a happy man :)
So, I think that "roadster" design can easily be adapted to satisfy those of us who simply MUST have some sort of rain protection to even consider the car. So to me the only remaining concern is if the budget will allow for DOORS.. or do we have to slide in dukes of hazard style? Any design which provides for a roof must also have some sort of doors or you're never getting in and out of the thing short of removing the roof from inside the car :(
Of course... this is always an option

In reply to the subaru glass idea. I am on design 13 or so and I really hate the subaru glass:) It really kills the lines of anything sexy so I have abandoned it. I also think the glass and radiator are probably the first things to go in an "incident".
Oh and don't worry my designs arent targa or open top ideas :) Ive just been too busy to work on them :(
Some of these designs are starting to look a afoul lot like a thunderranch riot.
New Reader
3/16/11 6:35 p.m.
Loving everyones stuff so far..
Here's a front 3/4 view....