Hey guys,
My sister called me tonight and told me our father backed his van into her 2010 Mazda CX-7 that was parked behind him in the driveway. I have no idea how he could miss it when you have to look at it when exiting the house to get into your vehicle, but it happened. She doesn't want to go the insurance route, and actually said she wouldn't make him pay to get the grille replaced which I think is a dumb idea, but that is her decision. I said I would try to find her a cheap way of getting a new grille, but a quick eBay search only shows $300+ lower grilles(that is the one she needs), and that isn't exactly cheap. Any other options? Any help would be appreciated.
1/26/12 7:26 p.m.
Junkyard database:
Yeah that doesn't help at all. Seems it is too new to get many in the junkyard.
1/26/12 9:04 p.m.
Might be time to invest in one of these
1/26/12 9:16 p.m.
Ya the problem is..... it's just too new. It's going to be hard to find one cheap.
Maybe a Mazda site or a CX-7 specific site....if one even exists.
1/26/12 10:23 p.m.
Maybe you can get one through Keystone Automotive , or give LKQ a buzz...
You would think it is difficult not to see a car in the driveway as you exit the house....but my father did it too.
Just as he was about to make contact with my Integra, he yelled at me to move my car (gee, I really like being screamed at like I'm a 7 year old...when I'm old enough to have GRANDCHILDREN that are 7 years old). In my case, I parked where I did because the driveway at my parents house has a sort of "L" shape, with the long part connecting to the street and the little part being a turnaround. (I parked in the long part about halfway between the house and street, not knowing my father DOESN'T back up to the little part before he turns around after backing from the garage.
Maybe check out a model-specific forums and see if anyone has a grille for sale? Note that I've never been to either of these sites, so I can't tell you what the commentariat is like or if there are any restrictions to accessing the for-sale threads.