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4cylndrfury UltimaDork
9/26/12 8:52 a.m.
JKleiner wrote: Without getting into the aesthetic debate I'll just say that mechanicals and packaging are dictating the amount of overhang. Those same parameters also ruled out the buildability of some of the design submissions. Jeff

understood, but the only similarity between the "winning" submission and the car in the pic above is that it has 4 wheels.

IMHO, its not even borrowing design language from the winner, let alone based on it. The more I look at the most recent pics, the more I feel the "Contest" was just a publicity stunt.

And, I have a hard time accepting the mechanicals are dictating that overhang...theres nothing up there besides a steering rack and cooling...what specifically is in there that necessitates that much overhang? Its just spaceframe structure...stand the radiator up and loose 9" of nose...what am I missing?

Honestly, that chassis is a great design, and when I decide to buy, I will just fab up my own body from sheet aluminum, and rivets, and call it a day. I like the idea of a subie powered mid engine monster...lots of potential there. But the bodywork leave a lot to be desired. In my mind, I see a locost chassis with an instruction manual for inserting a drivetrain.

sachilles Dork
9/26/12 9:48 a.m.

Who is to say they can't have multiple body designs over time reusing the same chassis? It would be awesome if the kit cars start being more like RC stuff where you can slap on a new body on occasion.

0100 New Reader
9/26/12 9:56 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote: Errrm 010010guy...first, as a newcomer I wouldn't necessarily expect you to be aware of the contest that was conducted here between ff5 And grm to help design the body. There were some ridiculously talented offerings posted. The "winner" was seriously sexy with great proportions and a very graceful stance. That thing ff5 has shown us was reported by a supposed ex employee of the group (or something) as a design that existed before the contest, and in my opinion, looks almost nothing like the winner. That ugly ass car has all the aesthetic styling cues of an early 90s firebird mulletmobile. Second, I'm not sure where you get off telling people to post something useful after your weird dsm k engine post. Hang around a bit and get to know the place before you spout off like your opinion has clout. Kthxbai

Your kidding right. I have been on this board longer than you, and fully aware of the contest. I posted in the damn thread for god sakes. http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/factory-five-design-contest-thread/32412/page18/

Clout? I have been racing and building cars for over 20 years, everything from Van Diemen's to SRF's. What have you designed, built or even raced, oh I forgot hanging around a forum and spewing nonsense = clout.

And again since people obviously didn't get it in my first post... Quit your bitching, and move on if you don't like the looks or engine this car is designed for. Plenty of other kit cars with other designs and engine options, which I believe I pointed out.

bravenrace PowerDork
9/26/12 10:02 a.m.

0100 join date - 3/12/2011
4cylndrfury join date - 11/30/2008

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/26/12 10:03 a.m.

You know what I was thinking? If you took a sawzall to that nose you could make it look like this concept from the competition which I thought was pretty good:

They even made a full-scale mockup (blue one):

This is what the current design is supposed to look like when finished:

JKleiner New Reader
9/26/12 11:15 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote: They even made a full-scale mockup (blue one):

Quarter scale actually, but now we're just splitting hairs


Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/26/12 11:25 a.m.

I'm waiting to see what the actual finished car looks like. The usual reaction to anything on the GRM forum these days is "why are they all idiots?" and "it was so much better before...". It's getting a bit old.

Personally, I find the drivetrain quite interesting. I've been kicking around the idea of an off-road buggy, and I'm thinking the engine/transmission layout looks like a good one without the Porsche tax or without having to rely on antique VW parts.

jstein77 Dork
9/26/12 11:44 a.m.

I love this one, and would happily daily drive it.

kreb GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/26/12 11:59 a.m.

RE: the bare chasis. Some perverse part of me wants to sport 24s on that. Of course at the track they'd be pulled for 15 x 10 inch wide slicks.

The0retical Reader
9/26/12 12:18 p.m.
jstein77 wrote:
I love this one, and would happily daily drive it.

Seriously. I think that stripe is a bit unflattering in the isometric view. The low windscreen coupled with the stripe seems to elongate the hood. The overhang doesn't look all that bad in the renderings.

I'd drive the hell out of it especially if it can meet the 15k price point.

kreb GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/26/12 2:05 p.m.

Amen brother. That view directly above looks like it could have come out of Maranello and will beat most supercars until the HP/aerodynamic disadvantage becomes too prominent.

dculberson SuperDork
9/26/12 3:47 p.m.
0100 wrote: Your kidding right. I have been on this board longer than you, and fully aware of the contest. I posted in the damn thread for god sakes. http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/factory-five-design-contest-thread/32412/page18/ Clout? I have been racing and building cars for over 20 years, everything from Van Diemen's to SRF's. What have you designed, built or even raced, oh I forgot hanging around a forum and spewing nonsense = clout. And again since people obviously didn't get it in my first post... Quit your bitching, and move on if you don't like the looks or engine this car is designed for. Plenty of other kit cars with other designs and engine options, which I believe I pointed out.

Callllm down there buddy, you have 11 posts or so on here and it has nothing to do with "hanging around a forum" and everything to do with people knowing who the heck you are. Nobody here knows you, for all we know you're 14 and posting from your dad's laptop. A lot of us here know each other in person and have raced together and wrenched together. You come in and expect to get taken seriously before that's happened, well, think again. Participate and let us get to know you before you can argue rudely with a long term active member.

Discussion is healthy, dissent is healthy, but don't go telling people what to do when you're in someone else's house. Stay positive and people will react positively.

For the record, I like the car and am excited to see a completed one in person. I have a lot of faith that FFR can pull this one off. I was a little less excited about building one myself once it became clear it was going to have no top, but then again as you mentioned in the contest thread it's a lot harder to fit doors and glass than I likely think. Plus to be honest the car would be unlikely to see rainy day duty! I've never built a kit car but this might be a fun intro to it.

The0retical Reader
9/26/12 5:05 p.m.

If you go here. There's some rumors floating around that there will be a removable soft top offered concurrently with the launch made by Rod Tops who also does them for the Cobra. Guess we'll see at SEMA.

David_Hodgkins None
9/26/12 5:16 p.m.

Hello everyone, I'm new here, and this is my 1st post. I run the Factory Five Forum. I just wanted to say hello and join the conversation. I'm a huge FFR fan and plan on building an 818 soon. In an effort to blatantly bribe my way into the conversation let me show you a nice shot of the 818R frame that I posted yesterday:

STOUT, eh?

One thing I can say that was posted above in error is that the street 818 will have a high quality soft top available. I don't know if it will have side glass out of the gate or side curtains though. I'll be in the FFR booth at SEMA and if I get any decent info before then I'll post it here.

Anyway, glad to be here. I posted a few pics of my ride in "My Garage" if anyone wants to check it out.

kreb GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/26/12 6:15 p.m.

Hi David. Can you repost that link. I'm not seeing it.

Occasionally companies come along that have the right stuff to completely dominate a market. Factory Five is the Snow White to the kit car seven dwarfs. Not that I'm a big fanboi. Most Cobras are owned by old guys and rarely driven in anger. I have no desire to get one. But I honestly think that with the 818 FF'll do to the track car community what they did to the Cobra community. Not necessarily the very best, but very good for an unbeatable price unless one has the chops to scratch build their own. Kudos.

PS, get us a shot with the top on!

David_Hodgkins New Reader
9/26/12 6:57 p.m.


Sorry, I'll have to figure out how to directly link images from that site. Do members have galleries here, or is that what the Garage is for? You should see it now.

A pic with the top on will have to wait, as the 1st 818s are still being built by FFR for SEMA. If I get anything before then I'll post it here.

Hasbro Dork
9/26/12 8:29 p.m.

Hi, David, appreciate your dedication "over there". Welcome "over here".

dj06482 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/26/12 9:41 p.m.

Welcome, David! I've been following over at the other forum as well.

I'm reserving judgement until I see the final version, but the idea of a mid-engine car with a WRX drivetrain definitely appeals to me. I'm a big fan of FFR, I've been to many open houses and have been really impressed with the ffcars.com community. I'm hoping that I love the styling as much as the rest of the car...

WhiteLX Reader
9/27/12 1:38 a.m.

So I take it the 818R won't have doors, but the standard 818 will? Any why would one build a SEMA showcase car, the first one the public will probably see, without usable doors?

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
9/27/12 5:03 a.m.

Welcome David. Despite my somewhat downtrodden opinion of the body, I think the 818 platform is dripping with potential. The chassis looks great and the sky is the limit where the drivetrain is concerned. I look forward to owning mine. It will be good to have you here.

dj06482 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/27/12 5:15 a.m.

Are their any frame pics of the "regular" 818?

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/27/12 6:59 a.m.
dj06482 wrote: Are their any frame pics of the "regular" 818?

Just scroll up a bit, there's one parked next to an NC. Plenty of pics available if you use GIS.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/27/12 10:10 a.m.
WhiteLX wrote: So I take it the 818R won't have doors, but the standard 818 will? Any why would one build a SEMA showcase car, the first one the public will probably see, without usable doors?

Because SEMA is about shouting loudly for attention, and a stickered up and rollcaged race car does that more than a pretty street car. It also underlines the performance aspect.

WhiteLX Reader
9/27/12 10:45 a.m.
Keith Tanner wrote:
WhiteLX wrote: So I take it the 818R won't have doors, but the standard 818 will? Any why would one build a SEMA showcase car, the first one the public will probably see, without usable doors?
Because SEMA is about shouting loudly for attention, and a stickered up and rollcaged race car does that more than a pretty street car. It also underlines the performance aspect.

from another link it appears they are taking 3 to SEMA. A street version, the R version, and a bodiless version.

carry on...

dyintorace GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
9/27/12 12:23 p.m.
David_Hodgkins wrote: Hello everyone, I'm new here, and this is my 1st post. I run the Factory Five Forum. I just wanted to say hello and join the conversation. I'm a huge FFR fan and plan on building an 818 soon. In an effort to blatantly bribe my way into the conversation let me show you a nice shot of the 818R frame that I posted yesterday: STOUT, eh? One thing I can say that was posted above in error is that the street 818 will have a high quality soft top available. I don't know if it will have side glass out of the gate or side curtains though. I'll be in the FFR booth at SEMA and if I get any decent info before then I'll post it here. Anyway, glad to be here. I posted a few pics of my ride in "My Garage" if anyone wants to check it out.

Maybe I missed the discussion previously, but what is an "818R" vs an "818"?

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