Your PM didn't come through, so I sent you one.
After consulting with my fearless leader, it looks like we'll probably go to the next TD event on Sat, Oct 11. We realized there's a Motel 6 or Super 8 (one of those numbered motels) there, and that relieves a lot of the early morning pressure. My leader did not enjoy having to get up super early and drive up to the track.
I'm going to have to miss the one on November 8-9. I'm scheduled to do a NASA HPDE at Infineon that Saturday. 
Awesome, I'll try and get my friends to do the Saturday session. Should be herra dope. lol
Tom Heath
Production Editor
9/25/08 8:09 p.m.
Way to sport the GRM colors! Good job!
I think white Miatas look awfully good sideways, so I may need to try a drift day soon. The turbo makes it stupid easy to slide our car.
I'm a little concerned about the torsen's ability to hold up to those torque loads, though. How has yours been holding up?
10/2/08 5:56 p.m.
Where are you finding those photos? I haven't seen them up at NCD yet.
10/2/08 5:58 p.m.
Tom Heath wrote:
Way to sport the GRM colors! Good job!
I think white Miatas look awfully good sideways, so I may need to try a drift day soon. The turbo makes it stupid easy to slide our car.
I'm a little concerned about the torsen's ability to hold up to those torque loads, though. How has yours been holding up?
This was the Miata's first drift, so it's hard to say how it's "holding up". Seemed to do just fine. I was under the impression that the torsens were pretty well bulletproof and didn't have the tendency to hand-grenade like some of the lockers do.
Always glad to sport the GRM colors! Any chance of making a "Stuck on you"? 
Edit: Actually, I should call you guys to get another pair so that I can put them on the sides of my Miata.