So, my Fiat acquisition fell through. That leaves me in search of a car to drive. Here's what's up:
Dad and I land in San Diego Monday at noon. We're picking up an Alfa Spider he bought, then we have 7 hours to make it to Vegas for a dinner meeting.
We'll spend the week at SEMA.
We'll drive the Alfa home to Florida, taking our time to see the sights as we go.
Here's our rough route:

Originally, I wanted to buy a Fiat Spider in a grand example of "see, you can make any trip less reliable with careful car selection." But I'm having trouble finding one. So, I'm widening my search. Any suggestions?
Cars must:
Be within 200 miles of our route.
Cost around $2000.
Have a reasonable chance of driving away from the seller's location.
Be at least 30 years old.
Be something "my girlfriend won't mind being seen in" (her words).
Be a car (you know what this means).
Be interesting.
Bonus points for:
Ability to carry tools for the Alfa.
Ability to flat tow the Alfa.
Not having been in Classic Motorsports magazine before.
Looking good from 20 feet away.
Being a convertible.
The car somehow has "Spider" in its name.
Wait, so now you're wanting to drive TWO old Italian cars back from the West Coast? Shouldn't your lifeboat NOT be another ship with a torpedo in its side?
Oh, yeah, you weren't in the office for this. We want to drive TWO red Italian convertibles across the country. What could go wrong?
Huge shoutout to yupididit for being so willing to go look at that Fiat for me, btw.
The convertible version of the Maserati Biturbo was called the Spyder...just saying.
That Beetle is cool, but I'm not so sure about the rust, and I don't think it will keep pace with the Alfa.
That Saab, though... 

That SAAB is an automatic. C900 autos are horrible.
Tom I emailed you This last night. I think you could talk him down.
It can do these things:
Ability to carry tools for the Alfa.
Ability to flat tow the Alfa.
Not having been in Classic Motorsports magazine before.
Looking good from 20 feet away.
But I'm not sure your lady would want to be caught dead in it 
Oh, an automotive "Quest". I think yupididit is on on the right track. Having it following the Alfa will keep it running all the way home to FL.
Hearses are cool and all, but he lost me at "minor staining." 
BoxheadTim wrote:
Break down more expensively, in style
Wow. Just... Please please please don't let me do that to myself. I already have a 300SDL at home.
30 Years would be 1987 at least.
How's this for close enough, 1990 Red convertible "Italian"
It may fail on the "classic" and "be seen in" requirements.
It will however likely make the trip reliably and could likely tow the other if needed.
All can be aquired in running condition for $2k range.
Mystery Link
In Black too
Here is also a different 1990 Red "Italian" convertible
JohnRW1621 wrote:
30 Years would be 1987 at least.
How's this for close enough, 1990 Red convertible "Italian"
It may fail on the "classic" and "be seen in" requirements.
It will however likely make the trip reliably and could likely tow the other if needed.
All can be aquired in running condition for $2k range.
Mystery Link
In Black too
Here is also a different 1990 Red "Italian" convertible
That last link looks hard to resist.
In reply to JohnRW1621:
Your taste in automobiles is truly transcendent.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
30 Years would be 1987 at least.
How's this for close enough, 1990 Red convertible "Italian"
It may fail on the "classic" and "be seen in" requirements.
It will however likely make the trip reliably and could likely tow the other if needed.
All can be aquired in running condition for $2k range.
Mystery Link
In Black too
Here is also a different 1990 Red "Italian" convertible
Those are all good choices
That's cheating, no cars I already own. 
Driving a big block bighorn Cadillac across the country is a story and a half. 8.2l v8 with red leather 
JohnRW1621 wrote:
The convertible version of the Maserati Biturbo was called the Spyder...just saying.
Good God!
This one already has a 302
If you bring it to FL I will buy it for The Challenge!
In reply to JohnRW1621:
Oh my! I'm just glad I'm all out of garage space. John is finding cool stuff.