Was just on my local CL and someone has a Justy for sale. I'm not all that interested except that the current owner says the car has a broken keyway on the crank pulley (shades of Miata?) and would not be driveable for much longer. So it got me to thinking, since Subaru doesn't make their own Justy anymore (they re-badge a Suzuki or Nissan, I think) where would you find OEM / new(ish?) parts for this car?
There are a few cranks available on car-part.com but you'd need to have them inspected and machined, maybe $300 could buy and fix one up after the ~$100 buy in price? Could always call your local Subaru dealer and see how hard they laugh at you...
7/4/11 4:40 p.m.
I've got a running Justy for sale...
Not helpful- I know.
After starting this I went to Yahoo and did a search....found a place/website called Dusty's Justys. Interestingly, the Justy engine is a "development" of a Suzuki engine, much like the Saab "slant 4" is a development of the Triumph engine.
They listed parts for sale, including a new / OEM engine block, but didn't dig deep enough to see if they had the part this CL Justy needed.
I really like small cars, but I'm getting to the point in my life where I want a car (or truck) that is a little easier to get into and out of .....if possible.
Last time I was at the local pick n pull there was a complete Justy sitting around. Kinda tempting.
since when do we find any parts difficult to get?
If you can't get engine parts.. swap something else in.
mad_machine makes a good point. Since this thing is apparently related to a Suzuki, what about that G13 with the 16 valves and the redline somewhere around 8,000 RPM? Or one of the millions of Geo Metro 3-cyl engines sitting around if you want some economy with easier to find parts?
In reply to pres589:
Actually, after I found out that the justy engine is "related" to the Suzuki/Geo Metro engine, i thought of the engine swap idea. I even wondered how difficult it would be to use a 4 cylinder Suzuki engine.
I'm not all that interested in this car, just can't get it out of my head, and this morning I wondered how different the Subaru and Suzuki versions of the 3 cylinder are? Would a crank from a Suzuki engine work in a Subaru engine?
In reply to integraguy:
Or would that DOHC head bolt to the G10?
In reply to integraguy:
I've read a lot about these engines, and a lot of other sources dispute Dusty Justy's claim about the Suzuki/Subaru engine relation. Other than being 4 stroke 3 cylinder Japanese engines, they don't have anything in common. The Subaru EF12 1.2L is it's own animal, with it's only real relative being the EF10 1.0L.
The guys on subarujust.proboards know a lot more about them than I do, but from what I've read there, the physical dimensions of the transaxle/transmission and engine bay severely limit the size of any engine you might swap in and adapt to the factory transmission. The Subaru EF12 is a "short" or "narrow" engine. According to the Justy forum, "Justy engine from rear mating surface to harmonic balancer is less than 16" long."
Others have shoe horned entire Impreza drive trains into Justies, but that's not so much a "swap" as it is a MAJOR conversion.