confuZion3 wrote: Try going back to 14" wheels. Put some really good 195mm tires on there. I've found that my Falken-equipped Miata was so much faster on the track than it is now with my 225mm 15" BFG Rivals. For what it's worth, my BFGs came with a Miata I bought from a friend... they're new, though, so age isn't the issue. They just don't seem like they give me any more grip that the Azenis tires gave me, even though they're much wider. They are MUCH heavier though, and decreasing weight might give you a good boost. Awesome car though. I love the color. It looks like you made some improvements to the paint since you started this thread. And I love the black accents where the chrome was.
I'm on the 15x9s with 225s at least until I burn through the rubber, can't say I've seen anyone else suggesting 14's as a go-to option for autocross though.
Plastidipped the chrome, I also enjoy how it's improved the looks... the paint is not nice close up.