Finally, after a long winter, I am getting back out on the track! And I'm not alone at this first event either! I am paying my little sister's way into the event which will be her first. She will use my Miata, and I might use it for double-duty as well. (God, I hope ol' Lacy makes it home!)
Not only that: it's my first event as the Chief Instructor for Time Trials for this club, so I'll be teaching my first classes as well (little sister included). It's going to be a good time at Summit Point!
Anyway, the club is EMRA. Is anybody coming out (Hal)? May 21st at Summit Point Main. The new TT format means more track time than ever, so it should be a good time.
Any advice for my sister? She can drive the Miata pretty well and she has me for a brother, so naturally, she has some idea about what she is doing. I'll also practice teaching the class to her while we are driving down, so she'll have heard that about 20 times before she sets foot on the track!
I made her read the "Time Trials Newcomers" literature on the club's site. What should I really try to drive home so that she is prepared?
(I will be testing my new Hero Cam too, and she will be one of my test subjects... I will post the link to my videos too, don't worry...
I'll be coming out, but as a volunteer. First time I've ever worked or even been at an EMRA event, but as an SCCA Flagger I've made Summit my second home of sorts.
I've done two DE's on the Shenandoah. The first time out last year I was all nervous before heading out on track, and I was reasonably speedy but I'm ashamed to admit the tires didn't really sing at all. Then when I did it again a couple of weeks ago I decided that I wouldn't be nervous at any point, and that I would have confidence. The tires were talking to me the whole day and I left wondering what I could do to cure the understeer beyond trail-braking (i.e. camber plates, better tires).
I'd say the most important thing is to tell yourself over & over, the car won't spin if I don't lift off mid-corner (excepting of course a slight trailing of throttle if the car is understeering on exit). Since I'm not going to lift off mid-corner, I'm not going to crash, end of story. The speed built from there.
I'll be watching for the blue miata!
Awesome on so many levels! I took my sister to Mid-Ohio two years ago and we had a blast.
My first event is in 2.5 at NHMS with the Audi Club - can't wait! Hopefully car will be ready by then... :-/