Thanks to the good Doctor Hess informing us that Rustoleum Regal Red matches Toyota truck red, I decided to fix the biggest rust spots on my truck's body. Luckily it was just surface rust where paint was missing so it wasn't too bad. Note my masking material.

I'll have done ones tomorrow once the paint dries. The first section I did came out just fine I think. It isn't perfect but I spent less than $6.
3/25/09 10:32 p.m.
I thought you were going to replace some of the sheet metal from the used cans, kinda let down by just using the case for masking.
Sweet yoder.
I'm in the process of doing that too!
Although matching colors isn't a worry since I'm touching up the whole car.
Is an outboard next? Say yes!

an outboard eh? last time I took the truck though some water this happened:

an outboard would have been nice then. turns out my air intake was a bit below the bow wave created when i drove through the river...
p.s. I'm digging for my recovery strap.
I've always wondered what that oblong hole in the box was for.
Thank you!
I don't mess with the primer. It's Rustoleum, just wipe it down with some mineral spirits based thinner, let it evaporate and shoot it. I also don't mask off like that. Hold the beer case over things you don't want painted, like the tail light, and feather the paint. Masking it with tape like that will leave lines where the tape ends, unless you're planning on sanding/polishing it afterwards.
I wish I would've read your post a little earlier, haha. Think I can fix the lines using your method? I also may have some primer that ran down the door that I'd like to fix...