My Harbor Freight aluminum jack blows it's oil out pretty routinely. I'm getting really efficient at tearing it apart and replacing the O-rings. I get 6-12 months out of it and blow it again. I've been using O-rings from the plumbing section at the hardware store. What material should the rings be to get better life out of my rebuilds? It'll normally puke the oil if I use it in cold weather, if that's any help.
are the O rings from the plumbing dept oil resistant?
It doesn't say anything on the packs, so I'd assume that may be the issue.
4/23/12 6:57 a.m.
normal plumbing o-rings are EPDM thats no good for oil.
PFTE is best but Viton is 1/2 the cost and almost as good.
McMaster-Carr is your freind they even have some metric sizes
Thank you , 44Dwarf. I'll see where I can find those locally. Maybe TSC would have something.
Have you tried the O ring kits from HF? They have some oil resistant ones and the whole set is like ten bucks. AND I MISS THE COUPONS IN TEH MAG.
Hadn't even realized HF sold those kits, Hess. Now I have an excuse to go to the store !
Yeah they're BIG kits. I bought both the Metric and SAE kits. I got something like 1100 o-rings for $20.
i now have 2 HF jacks. one blew out the rings and i needed a jack right now. Bought another one and a rebuild kit with oil. Just haven't gotten around to rebuilding the old one. My old craftsman steel jack also needs to be redone.
Phil, was the rebuild kit from HF, or some place else?
Sorry, wasn't kit just o-rings and oil from HF. Didn't mean to mislead :)