Specifically for intake pipe. I have never messed with the stuff. Is it really air tight? I know it will rust but I can paint it. I was thinking it may be an option as intake tubing for a forced induction setup I am working on. It would be easy to bend / conform making fitment / alignment easier and eliminate a series of elbows etc. The down side is the radius of the bends is not a good as bent pipe.
Anyone used it for this or anything else other than exhaust work?
that is a really interesting idea. I just do not see it being compleatly air tight.. especially under boost
I guess the only thing to do is get a piece and test it
I thought those were expensive, unless you have a bunch sitting around your garage. Exhaust systems aren't supposed to leak, and they're metal so should handle a lot of boost assuming you weld it up right. Seems like overkill though.
Wouldn't it be cheaper/easier to buy a turbo piping kit on eBay?
I am not sure, Alan. In an exhaust system, pressure is not supposed to build up, it has an exit and excessive exhaust pressure is bad for performance.
In boost, it's the opposite.. so like Dean said.. all we can do is test it
It is cheep I can get five foot pieces of two and a half inch diamiter for around twelve dollars