2/18/13 10:07 p.m.
Ok, so who has done it? Fly to Florida, buy a cheap car and make it into a challenger with a few days worth of work. I would love to get any advice that you have to offer on the subject...
Even if you have not done it but rather have spent and inordinate amount of time contemplating such an adventure please feel free to regale me with copious amounts of bench racing...
Between my failing health and an uncharacteristically busy schedule this year I really see no other way to make it to Gainsville again without being relegated to spectator status. Nothing wrong with just watching, but it simply is not my style.
So, please, everyone share as much logistical help as you are able. Having been there a few times prior to this effort I have a decent grasp on how to navigate the automotive bacchanal that is the challenge. So, how would you pull this off?
Apologies in advance if my replies are not instant... while I enjoy this forum I do not live here like some of my good friends do 
In reply to tb:
- Buy neon
- add turbo + massive amounts of boost
- ??????????????
- Profit
or buy something pre turboed and crank the boost.
2/19/13 7:33 a.m.
In reply to MrChaos:
Yeah, that would be the basic idea; Thanks for the reminder to pack a basic manual boost controller in the kit.
I know that I can do a lot of the research myself, but I just figured that someone had to have done this themselves already. I need to know stuff like FL buying / registering laws, where to get tires shipped to and mounted, closest harbor freight / walmart to buy tools and supplies... the logistical E36 M3 that needs to get done...
2/19/13 7:51 a.m.
Wonkothesane wrote:
Call GRM headquarters, and see if you could use their garage?
I wonder, though, even if I have absolutely no chance of even coming close to winning anything... would that be seen as improper? The guys and gals at the magazine are all great folks and I would not want to put them in an awkward position.
It is JG's Birthday; maybe I can catch him in a good mood 
tb wrote:
Wonkothesane wrote:
Call GRM headquarters, and see if you could use their garage?
I wonder, though, even if I have absolutely no chance of even coming close to winning anything... would that be seen as improper? The guys and gals at the magazine are all great folks and I would not want to put them in an awkward position.
It is JG's Birthday; maybe I can catch him in a good mood
I heard if you bribe them with a home-made tattoo kit, they'll give you a garage space.
Alternatively... if you find an 88-92 MX6 GT/Probe GT/626GT in my general area, i'll pick it up, build it, deliver it to Florida for the challenge.
I've thought about it, only reasons I haven't done it is that my sub-par wrenching skills would make the chance of total failure fairly high, and the potential difficulty of reselling the car in the same limited amount of vacation time.
2/19/13 8:44 a.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
tb wrote:
Wonkothesane wrote:
Call GRM headquarters, and see if you could use their garage?
I wonder, though, even if I have absolutely no chance of even coming close to winning anything... would that be seen as improper? The guys and gals at the magazine are all great folks and I would not want to put them in an awkward position.
It is JG's Birthday; maybe I can catch him in a good mood
I heard if you bribe them with a home-made tattoo kit, they'll give you a garage space.
Alternatively... if you find an 88-92 MX6 GT/Probe GT/626GT in my general area, i'll pick it up, build it, deliver it to Florida for the challenge.
We have my spare one.... since I'm taking the one you already have.
2/19/13 8:56 a.m.
In reply to Swank Force One and mndsm:
I just cannot make myself like those things! I am not sure what it is for, but I have yet to meet a Mazda that I actually wanted to own... maybe I should just hand in my card
. And what is with those crazy swiveling dash vents? I actually want to aim the climate control at a self determined area of my body and have it stay there!
2/19/13 9:02 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
I've thought about it, only reasons I haven't done it is that my sub-par wrenching skills would make the chance of total failure fairly high, and the potential difficulty of reselling the car in the same limited amount of vacation time.
I understand, and completely accept the fact that my own sub-par wrenching skills could make this a total failure... I am just not afraid to fail. I learn more from my mistakes versus successes.
I just figure if I cannot sell the car quickly I will either drive it back north to dump off on a friend / family member or make a quick donation to charity for the tax write-off. I am lucky enough to have plenty of time and money to pull this off; perhaps my only advantage over most others who would try this.
tb wrote:
In reply to Swank Force One and mndsm:
I just cannot make myself like those things! I am not sure what it is for, but I have yet to meet a Mazda that I actually wanted to own... maybe I should just hand in my card
. And what is with those crazy swiveling dash vents? I actually want to aim the climate control at a self determined area of my body and have it stay there!
Well.... you can just turn off the dash motor. It's just a button. 
I have thought about it, I have a brother that lives in FL and might be able to do the car shopping for me. For that matter, my parents are also nearby and Dad loves to shop for cars. Never asked for him to shop a beater, but hell, it would keep him busy.
As far as end of game, I assume that there will be a recycle yard close-by that will accept the car.
Where I run into a problem with this is the "Spirit of the game" clause. My jetting in, renting a rig and trailer, paying for the car (Buy sub 1k car, mount new sticky tires, race, scrap car, return rig and jet home) is going to be a 5k+ week-end. Feels like cheating to me.
Course, nobody has to know
2/19/13 9:17 a.m.
NOHOME wrote:
Where I run into a problem with this is the "Spirit of the game" clause. My jetting in, renting a rig and trailer, paying for the car (Buy sub 1k car, mount new sticky tires, race, scrap car, return rig and jet home) is going to be a 5k+ week-end. Feels like cheating to me.
Good point! Having been involved in this challenge thing from the beginning, I have my own ideas about the "Spirit" of the event. I could sleep easy at night feeling okay with myself, but appreciate your honesty about how you would feel.
In my mind I picture doing this without a tow rig at all and not spending extravagantly... but that might be just me fooling myself...
Although the GRM garage is a wonderful place, it's probably not ideal for Challenge wrenching. The Challenge is in Gainsville, which is a couple of hours away from the GRM headquarters in the Daytona area.
You'd be better off finding a reader in the Gainsville area that could help you--- much closer to where the event will go down!
and there are plenty of Challenge-worthy cars on local Craigslist searches!
2/19/13 9:23 a.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
Well.... you can just turn off the dash motor. It's just a button.
I wouldn't know, never been in one!
Should have realized that but I am pretty slow these days, I just caught onto the name change and realized who the hell you are and why you are pimpin' out those old Mazdas! 
Several of us Gainesville GRMers have made this standing offer in the past. Find a car on the local CL and we'll do whatever we can to assist with you using it to compete with. We can help with the tires, mounting, etc. Harbor Freight has a location in town, brand new super Walmart not too far from the hotel, etc.
2/19/13 9:30 a.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Although the GRM garage is a wonderful place, it's probably not ideal for Challenge wrenching. The Challenge is in Gainsville, which is a couple of hours away from the GRM headquarters in the Daytona area.
You'd be better off finding a reader in the Gainsville area that could help you--- much closer to where the event will go down!
and there are plenty of Challenge-worthy cars on local Craigslist searches!
Thanks Joe, I realize that and never really considered it a viable option anyway. I am actually old enough to remember the old GRM headquarters in Ormand Beach (?) but should make a stop at the new place when I am down there sometime.
I might just try to set the record for a parking lot build... the overnight turbo install a few years ago was good but maybe I will just spend a week prior at the Best Western wrenching away.
I drool over all of the awesome and cheap cars available in that area... it should be no problem finding something fun!
tb wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
Well.... you can just turn off the dash motor. It's just a button.
I wouldn't know, never been in one!
Should have realized that but I am pretty slow these days, I just caught onto the name change and realized who the hell you are and why you are pimpin' out those old Mazdas!
I no longer own any Toyotas, and i figured the only car i'm "known" for these days has taken on an identity of its own. I'm just along for the ride at this point.

2/19/13 9:35 a.m.
dyintorace wrote:
Several of us Gainesville GRMers have made this standing offer in the past. Find a car on the local CL and we'll do whatever we can to assist with you using it to compete with. We can help with the tires, mounting, etc. Harbor Freight has a location in town, brand new super Walmart not too far from the hotel, etc.
Has it ever happened before? I wonder what everyone learned from the process.
And I would very much appreciated the help! I think my buddy PseudoSport mentioned that you and the other Gainsville guys are some of the best friends I just haven't met yet!
A yard to sleep and work in, some tools on loan and a little local knowledge of the available resources would make this less stressful and much more enjoyable...
Just tow it to the hotel parking lot.
I'm down for an all-night build. Feed me the right mixture of red bull and beer, and i'll be good to go.
2/19/13 9:40 a.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
I no longer own any Toyotas, and i figured the only car i'm "known" for these days has taken on an identity of its own. I'm just along for the ride at this point.
Not even one old Celica? Man, the times they are a-changing! Glad to see that the Mazda & You finally made it to the challenge...if I make it this year you are welcome to co-pilot whatever I come up with!
tb wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I no longer own any Toyotas, and i figured the only car i'm "known" for these days has taken on an identity of its own. I'm just along for the ride at this point.
Not even one old Celica? Man, the times they are a-changing! Glad to see that the Mazda & You finally made it to the challenge...if I make it this year you are welcome to co-pilot whatever I come up with!
Yeahhh... had to bring myself to reality and give up on the Celica. With the Deathscort, even if i had the time/money to build what i wanted with the Celica, i wouldn't have had the time to do anything with it.
The Mazda will be making another appearance for $2013, with at least two other MX6 GTs in tow. 
I appreciate the co-pilot offer, but you don't want me driving your car. I'm slow. 

2/19/13 9:48 a.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
The Mazda will be making another appearance for $2013, with at least two other MX6 GTs in tow.
Excellent! Hopefully I will make it and will see you there!
Beer will be drunk, knuckles will be busted and Glory will be won!
2/19/13 11:15 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
We have my spare one.... since I'm taking the one you already have.
Quiet you, that heart might be the center of my deathtrap FB build. 
yamaha wrote:
mndsm wrote:
We have my spare one.... since I'm taking the one you already have.
Quiet you, that heart might be the center of my deathtrap FB build.
"Might" being the operative word. I have (will have) 2 F2T powered vehicles, so i'll need two spare motors just to ensure that neither of them ever blows up. The second i have less than a 1:1 ratio of spares to runners, they'll blow up.
The good news is that there's plenty of parts off that car that i won't need.
tb wrote:
Beer will be drunk, knuckles will be busted and Glory will be won!
I believe this should posted somewhere as quote worthy!