Javelin wrote:
Junk food hell, it's in *everything*. Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast (you know, those "heart healthy commercials) has it, Welch's All Natural Fruit Juice has it, my crunchy peanut butter AND my "Safeway Naturals" jelly has it for my lunch sandwich (and normally the bread too, but I switch to Dave's Killer Bread last year), the ketchup for my burger, and the chocolate sauce for my milk. Seriously, take a look at labels. It's disturbing how many "normal" items it's in.
Cheerios: pure sugar
Fruit Juice: pure sugar
Peanut butter: probably added sugar
Jelly: pure sugar
Bread: Ok so you got one
Ketchup: pure sugar
Chocolate sauce: really?
Ooof. Stealth junkfood.
Just look at your own food labels. I didn't believe it either.
keep in mind, I think it's ridiculous to turn a food stock into a fuel source that tends to be a net energy loser and wouldn't be competitive without gov't subsidies
Osterkraut, thank you for posting that so I didn't have to. Bread?
Javelin, don't buy Wonder Bread, we have a load of bread, a package of "wraps" and a package of English Muffins (for toasting and putting organic PB on for breakfast even without HFCS, PB is LOADED with fat.) All without HFCS, bonus, during the recent crazy weather, all the OK fatties sucked up the normal stuff and all the stuff we ate had plenty of stock.
Guess what? Not a one of them have HFCS and we didn't have to go to a high-end food store to get them. Just to Wal-Mart. That's why you don't base your diet around pre-packaged, processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables and lean, organic protein.
Ketchup? Hunt's sells theirs with real sugar instead of HFCS now.
I'm sick of reading about lazy consumer's blaming corporations. Guess what? If you didn't buy their product, they wouldn't keep making it.
After reading this far in the thread and making a decision for yourself, now try being allergic to Corn and Corn products.
Factoid: I read that there is a teaspoon of sugar in every tablespoon of ketchup.
Everything I buy comes from natural stores with nothing I couldn't eat on its own (well, the vast majority) or from the farm, the ranch, or the farmers market. We don't have any corn syrup in the house other than a small container my wife uses when she makes Pecan pie twice a year.
I highly recommend it. Not to mention I am supporting local farms, with local farmers who I know and like and want to support. My family of four (the two kids are young) eats for roughly $90/week if you budget out our half cow and our CSA with the farm. The garden helps in the summertime too.
NOHOME wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
I seriously doubt any real studies have been done on that stuff, especially in humans. Besides the one that shows it won't kill you TODAY.
You missed my post.
I read your post. Here's a study I'd like to see: Two large groups of HUMANS, matched. Both groups fed the same thing, same calories, same exercise patterns. One group has cane sugar, one group has HFCS. After a year, what are their weights and how does that compare to when they started?
That would be a definitive study, in my opinion. Now, it would be a tad bit expensive. But, the HFCS industry has lots of money. Our money, actually.
Le sigh. I guess you guys don't read the other threads where I complain about marrying a Vegan. We don't even allow meat in our house. We have fresh fruit and veggies daily, and grow our own in the summer. There's no choco-coated sugar bombs in the cereal cupboard, just Cheerios, Rice Chex, and Raisin Bran (which I know has sugar , Kellog's brand even has HFCS). The bread I used to buy was marketed heavily as being all natural and healthy, and it was trash. We switched to Dave's Killer Bread (made locally in Portland) about 6 months ago. I had to switch the brand of yogurt I was eating to get rid of the HFCS. I do drink a small glass of OJ every day, and I will only buy Florida's Natural (I know some of the other brands have HFCS). I'll admit I don't have the best choices in food, but I don't eat fast food, don't drink soda anymore (aside from a diet every once in awhile from our SodaStream machine), and I steer clear of the candy aisle. I also drink at least 1L of water a day.
I'm telling you, this crap is in things you never even thought of, like salad dressing (and yes, the healthy ones, not just the Baconated-Ranch), friggin Corn Flakes and Special K! Hanson's Tonic Water, most Iced Tea and Lemonade, Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Grain Bread, most ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise, Nutri-Grain bars, heck, NYQUIL has it! Wheat thins, baked beans, applesauce, PICKLES, A1 Steak Sauce, even most soups and canned vegetables!
Oh boy....
I've ranted on this topic of HFCS once before on this board and here we go again....
The biggest culprit is a consistent misinforming food label and the ignorant populace. They read the big print things like Total Fat and Total Carbohydrates to make their decision on. They really need to be looking at the underneath stuff like polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, sugar, dietary fiber, and anything else written on the label. From those numbers, you need to see if it is healthy for you. I have to constantly argue with my wife over the total carbohydrate number. She is right there with at least 90% of the label reading public and believes that total carbs=sugar. Sad part is that is not the case, sugar = sugar, whether natural or the ungodly man made E36 M3. Fiber still has 4cal/g in that calculation. The same with COMPLEX carbohydrates. Give me two products with the same total carb content, but one has 1/3 less sugar in it, and I'm buying the one with the least amount of sugar in it. I want the product with he most amount of fiber and complex carbs available, which both are nearly completely MISSING in the average American diet along with a whole host of other things.
As for the above study idea, we DO have a great available pool of cheap test subjects for a multiple year study. They just reside behind the layers of razorwire.
Also to the people who doubt HFCS not being harmful, DDT was touted as being safe and look to what that brought about to the enviroment.
If you can borrow a copy from the library a book by Michael Pollan,The Omnivore's Dilemma, 'splains how HFCS is in nearly everything. It was an interesting read for me.
I guess I should have titled my post "More Ethanol".
That was the point, not how much sugar is in corn.
Farmers are growing more corn used in producing ethanol which has raised the price of all corn.
And it it used for a product we don't need.
Ethanol isn't needed???????
I can't stand the E36 M3 gas coming out of the pump now. I'd rather see more E85 then more of that EPA mandated E36 M3 gas.
Javelin wrote:
Just look at your own food labels. I didn't believe it either.
I don't eat anything on your daily list but peanut butter (that has no added sugar. Costco's store brand. Two ingredients: peanuts, salt).
I had a Mt. Dew about a month ago. That was my first intentional (I can't control what restaurants use) HFCS product since June.
I'm a bit torn on the true evil of HFCS. However, I KNOW sugar is evil, so eliminating HFCS products is a good way to control my intake.
Ranger50 wrote:
Ethanol isn't needed???????
I can't stand the E36 M3 gas coming out of the pump now. I'd rather see more E85 then more of that EPA mandated E36 M3 gas.
Absolutely agree. E10 sucks and E15 is worse, but I do love E85 (race gas!). I wish we could 94 Super like the UK does instead of this 91 so-called "Premium" swill with E10 
Nothing to add except another movie suggestion: "King Corn"
I believe that and "Food, Inc." are both an instant watch on netflix
Ranger50 wrote:
Ethanol isn't needed???????
I can't stand the E36 M3 gas coming out of the pump now. I'd rather see more E85 then more of that EPA mandated E36 M3 gas.
I'd rather see no ethanol. If you're industry isn't competitive without gov't subsidies, then I guess you don't have a good business model.
Or maybe you do........you know since everyone is paying for it even if they don't buy it!
Javelin wrote:
Absolutely agree. E10 sucks and E15 is worse, but I do love E85 (race gas!). I wish we could 94 Super like the UK does instead of this 91 so-called "Premium" swill with E10
I thought the UK had a 98 octane available at the pump?
z31maniac.... #1, eh...I don't think the model is wrong. The problem lies in the fact of cost vs return without a subsidy. #2, YOU BET!!! I'll take a suckers, errr, other people's money without a fight. Would that not be the American way?
TuffWork wrote:
Nothing to add except another movie suggestion: "King Corn"
I believe that and "Food, Inc." are both an instant watch on netflix
That checks for "Food, Inc."
2/12/11 2:14 p.m.
I thought the UK had a 98 octane available at the pump?
z31maniac.... #1, eh...I don't think the model is wrong. The problem lies in the fact of cost vs return without a subsidy. #2, YOU BET!!! I'll take a suckers, errr, other people's money without a fight. Would that not be the American way?
Europe and the US use different octane ratings... UK 98 is like US 93~94.
I did not know that. I incorrectly assumed they used (R+M)/2 also. Carry on.
Jay wrote:
I thought the UK had a 98 octane available at the pump?
z31maniac.... #1, eh...I don't think the model is wrong. The problem lies in the fact of cost vs return without a subsidy. #2, YOU BET!!! I'll take a suckers, errr, other people's money without a fight. Would that not be the American way?
Europe and the US use different octane ratings... UK 98 is like US 93~94.
So Top Gear giving us grief about running "Goat Piss" for fuel is just their normal abuse ? 
Osterkraut wrote:
However, I KNOW sugar is evil, so eliminating HFCS products is a good way to control my intake.
Sugar is not evil.
Too much sugar is evil.
You guys need to get onto this series of books

Zomby woof wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
However, I KNOW sugar is evil, so eliminating HFCS products is a good way to control my intake.
Sugar is not evil.
Too much sugar is evil.
You guys need to get onto this series of books
I may or may not have torrented a few of those. They're decent. A little simple and I don't agree with some of their choices (too much "lesser of two evils").
Then again I just overgeneralized about sugar, soooo...
nutririon is guaged by how well you heal and regenerate, not store E36 M3/fat.
all I know is that a cruise by the local high school produces more bellys than I ever saw 30 years ago. most of them are doinkers now. they eat crap like hogs because they are starving to death on this gmo crap they are growing.
fructose corn is inedible--they scrape the crop and grind it up for cattle--who die of sugar ulcers within 125 days while standing in manure--enjoy that jello from their hooves man-- wanna be hunched over with arthrutis and ibs and cataracts and bad hearing and a brain tumor from nutrisweet --go ahead einstein