Stumbled across this the other day. Ford's "A guide to identifying failures related to performance modifications" which appears to be the definitive text for denying warranty repairs.
It doesn't seem super comprehensive and it also isn't model-specific but seems to include both Focus/Mustang examples.
So, put a cell phone mount on your dash and void your motor warranty. Seems legit to me.
When you modify your out of warranty car you are prepared to to pay.
Same should be for a car still under warranty, just in case.
Nothing new and still it’s up to the dealership is honor the warranty.
DCX had a webinar on the 6.7 when it came out and said to look for super low engine hrs vs mileage to refuse warranty claims. Flashing the controller would eliminate the accumulated hrs.... I remember I had to do a warranty clutch job in a 3500 once. Should have never been warrantied as the owner had clearly modified the truck for performance, but got overruled by the service manager.