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carguy123 UltimaDork
11/14/19 11:21 p.m.

The movie was awesome!!

I had my doubts in the very beginning as the car scene there looked a little Fast & Furious especially since I have quite a bit of time behind the wheel of a Cobra but all that quickly faded.

The storyline was great and I learned a few things.

The scene with Henry Ford ll riding along was epic!!!

The did take a few Hollywood liberties with some of the bigger Ford vs. Ferrari racing scenes but they didn't really detract.


JoeyM Mod Squad
11/14/19 11:26 p.m.

Haven't seen it yet, but I am looking forward to it.  I enjoyed reading Go Like Hell!

spacecadet GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/15/19 12:00 a.m.

Fantastic Movie!


Rush is still a better racing movie, but this is a better overall movie. 

FvF has great storytelling and emphasizes well the danger of racing in those days. Will go see it again. 

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/19 2:23 a.m.

I just got home from seeing it opening night. It was epic!!! I only saw a couple of minor errors with the cars, and you really have to watch for them. The racing scenes were fantastic and the story was both true to life and very entertaining.

10/10 must see!!

ebonyandivory PowerDork
11/15/19 4:57 a.m.

Great to hear. I was hoping it was gonna be a car-guy movie and not focused mainly on the love interests of the main characters.

84FSP SuperDork
11/15/19 6:49 a.m.

Going with my gear head crew next week - looking forward to it.

Adrian_Thompson MegaDork
11/15/19 7:04 a.m.

Meh, I went to see it last night with Tom Spangler.  It's a good not a great movie.  It's totally worth seeing on the big screen for the racing scenes and engine noises.  On the down side they play fast and loose with time lines and the truth for narrative reasons.  My biggest beef is falling pray to the famous 'We've been on the Mulsanne straight for 30 seconds now and are close to the car ahead, so I'll finally engage the second 50% of the throttle and change up a gear or two' trap.  There are a couple of unrealistic peel outs, but on the whole the dynamics of the vehicles appeared to be spot on.  There are some awesome close ups of cars racing in corners etc.  

I'll rate it a 'B' grade.

We are still waiting for the perfect racing movie, 'Grand Prix' is still the best to date.

ultraclyde PowerDork
11/15/19 7:07 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson said:

M they play fast and loose with time lines and the truth for narrative reasons.

Sounds like it's right in Carroll Shelby's wheelhouse then.

I'm actually a big fan of Shelby, but he was, at heart, a showman. Pumping up the hype to make the feels seems like exactly what he would have wanted. I cant wait to see it.


frenchyd UberDork
11/15/19 7:34 a.m.

In reply to ultraclyde :

The last time I went to a theater to see a movie was more than 6 years ago.  I'm going tonight. 

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/15/19 8:18 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson said:

Meh, I went to see it last night with Tom Spangler.  It's a good not a great movie.  It's totally worth seeing on the big screen for the racing scenes and engine noises.  On the down side they play fast and loose with time lines and the truth for narrative reasons.  My biggest beef is falling pray to the famous 'We've been on the Mulsanne straight for 30 seconds now and are close to the car ahead, so I'll finally engage the second 50% of the throttle and change up a gear or two' trap.  There are a couple of unrealistic peel outs, but on the whole the dynamics of the vehicles appeared to be spot on.  There are some awesome close ups of cars racing in corners etc.  

I'll rate it a 'B' grade.

We are still waiting for the perfect racing movie, 'Grand Prix' is still the best to date.

Yeah, there were a couple of moments where Ade and I turned and looked at each other because of the BS that was up on the screen. Don't get me wrong, it's very well-made, and the two lead actors give great performances. And the racing sequences are probably the best we've seen on the big screen. But the fake stuff just pulls me out of the moment. Like having a box of lug nuts in the pits where all the cars have knockoffs. Ade mentioned the "Oh, I have an extra gear!" moment, that was so Days of Thunder it made me cringe. Making Leo Beebe into a cartoonishly petty pencil-pusher in order to create drama that wasn't there. There were others, but I don't want to get into spoiler territory.

I wanted so badly to love this movie, and there's a lot to like about it, but it's not quite there, IMO.


Vigo MegaDork
11/15/19 8:23 a.m.

I'm seeing it tomorrow. yes

alfadriver MegaDork
11/15/19 8:51 a.m.
Tom_Spangler said:
Adrian_Thompson said:

Meh, I went to see it last night with Tom Spangler.  It's a good not a great movie.  It's totally worth seeing on the big screen for the racing scenes and engine noises.  On the down side they play fast and loose with time lines and the truth for narrative reasons.  My biggest beef is falling pray to the famous 'We've been on the Mulsanne straight for 30 seconds now and are close to the car ahead, so I'll finally engage the second 50% of the throttle and change up a gear or two' trap.  There are a couple of unrealistic peel outs, but on the whole the dynamics of the vehicles appeared to be spot on.  There are some awesome close ups of cars racing in corners etc.  

I'll rate it a 'B' grade.

We are still waiting for the perfect racing movie, 'Grand Prix' is still the best to date.

Yeah, there were a couple of moments where Ade and I turned and looked at each other because of the BS that was up on the screen. Don't get me wrong, it's very well-made, and the two lead actors give great performances. And the racing sequences are probably the best we've seen on the big screen. But the fake stuff just pulls me out of the moment. Like having a box of lug nuts in the pits where all the cars have knockoffs. Ade mentioned the "Oh, I have an extra gear!" moment, that was so Days of Thunder it made me cringe. Making Leo Beebe into a cartoonishly petty pencil-pusher in order to create drama that wasn't there. There were others, but I don't want to get into spoiler territory.

I wanted so badly to love this movie, and there's a lot to like about it, but it's not quite there, IMO.


I hate that kind of stuff, too- as if racers are not going as flat out as they possible can all the time.  (and that does recognize that they sometimes have to run conservatively).  But down straights, they will be WOT all the time....  But I'll try to over look that part when it happens.  We'll go see it sometime.

Aaron_King GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/15/19 9:12 a.m.

My son and I are seeing it tonight, really looking forward to it.

Datsun310Guy UltimaDork
11/15/19 9:31 a.m.

Is it a better movie than Sly driving an Indycar with cowboy boots on thru Chicago doing 195mph?


Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/15/19 9:42 a.m.
Datsun310Guy said:

Is it a better movie than Sly driving an Indycar with cowboy boots on thru Chicago doing 195mph?

Pfft. He didn't even pick up any quarters during that scene!

Adrian_Thompson MegaDork
11/15/19 10:30 a.m.
Tom_Spangler said:
Datsun310Guy said:

Is it a better movie than Sly driving an Indycar with cowboy boots on thru Chicago doing 195mph?

Pfft. He didn't even pick up any quarters during that scene!

jfryjfry Dork
11/15/19 10:45 a.m.

I haven’t see. It yet but am glad to hear that the racing scenes were not only bearable but actually entertaining.  

I worked on it and we had a ot of issues with the cars, especially wet traction. 


Pete Gossett
Pete Gossett GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/19 10:48 a.m.

In reply to jfryjfry :

Did you get time behind the wheel of the GT40s? I presume they were reproductions?

A 401 CJ
A 401 CJ GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/15/19 11:07 a.m.

Occasionally Hollywood makes a truly realistic car-guy movie.  They always flop in the box office.


Exhibit A:

Slippery GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/15/19 11:57 a.m.

Just bought tickets for tonight. 

I have not been to the movies in 10 years, is it as expensive as south Florida everywhere else? I feel like it's insane, almost $90 for 2 adults and 3 kids. Imax. 

Patrick GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/19 11:58 a.m.

In reply to carguy123 :

we're going tonight because the kids are out of town, looking forward to it and i never want to see car movies

ShawnG PowerDork
11/15/19 12:00 p.m.
A 401 CJ said:

Occasionally Hollywood makes a truly realistic car-guy movie.  They always flop in the box office.


Exhibit A:

Best soundtrack ever...

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/19 12:04 p.m.
jfryjfry said:

I haven’t see. It yet but am glad to hear that the racing scenes were not only bearable but actually entertaining.  

I worked on it and we had a ot of issues with the cars, especially wet traction. 


More more more! You need to get on that Wired video series where someone breaks down a movie scene. Heck, I want your voiceover commentary on Baby Driver and FvsF.

I will be going to see this as soon as I can. I thought the book was a little over-simplified and left out the Wyer side of the story, but that subtlety doesn't play as well as "chicken farmer beats Italy's best with nothin' but a big ol' engine!". I will enjoy it, because it's a movie about endurance racing and I love endurance racing.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/15/19 12:05 p.m.
A 401 CJ said:

Occasionally Hollywood makes a truly realistic car-guy movie.  They always flop in the box office.


Exhibit A:

Can you be a little more explicit for those of us who don't recognize the screenshot?

Or are you saying that a realistic car guy movie would be a bunch of guys hanging out in a parking lot talking about cars while the only girl is bored out of her mind?

Jumper K Balls (Trent)
Jumper K Balls (Trent) PowerDork
11/15/19 12:09 p.m.
Keith Tanner said:

Or are you saying that a realistic car guy movie would be a bunch of guys hanging out in a parking lot talking about cars while the only girl is bored out of her mind?

Damnit Keith! You absolutely nailed it.

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