Well if Nico's hands were reversed I'd have to agree, but he is obviously turning towards the inside.
Hamilton's car contacted his team mate (and took him out) while overtaking.
I insist that Hamilton would have done (and has done) the same thing to Nico in the past.
There is nothing for us to argue about because the team set that up by stalling Hamilton in his pit.
It is up to the team to deal with this, there will be no crucifixion of either driver (this has happened before).
The team should have held Hamilton in his pit for 2 seconds longer, or gotten him out on time on SS tires.
One can't crucify the drivers when they are being manipulated by the team.
If Nico rolls over for Hamilton, he will have to roll over every time Hamilton gets near him.
Why should he not defend as aggressively as Hamilton would?
Hamilton started his turn long before Nico turned in, Hamilton expects Nico to just leave the door open?
Not going to happen.....
It's not how much room was to the inside of Nico, it's how much room there was to the outside of Hamilton.
They are both at fault, Hamilton for expecting Nico to yield, and Nico for closing the door.
I am certain Nico intended to run Hamilton off the course just like Hamilton has done to Nico in the past.
However Hamilton is at fault for colliding with his teammate while attempting to overtake.
Nico was well within his rights to use the whole track on that turn, we all know Hamilton would have....
If Nico had hit the back of Hamilton, that might be a different argument.