9/15/10 1:13 p.m.
First, this car would have to be available stupidly cheap for me to consider it. Guy says he's taking offers.
But the question is this -- is the motor likely toast, or is the bottom end OK and it just needs a valve job? New heads? Alfa V6 people, let me know what to look out for.
I looked at the 4-page Milano thread from a while back. And curse whoever posted the videos -- the sound those things make is unbelievable.
I think it really depends on how fast the engine was running when the belt broke/slipped or whatever.
I'd probably source a 3.0l (assuming it is a 2.5) and replace the whole engine.
I like my Milano alot, it is a great car.
That said, I want a Biturbo.
I have seen 164s in the yard.. yank the engine out of one of those and drop it in the milano. Who can say no to more displacement and shiney sexy chrome intake tubes?
If he wants more than $800 forget it, which he probably does seeing as those cams cost over $1k for the set new. It probably just needs new valves and would be fine, but you will have to pull it apart and see. If you put a 3.0 in you need a (rare) 3.0 milano flywheel. The 164 intake kinda works, but it needs a bit of welding since the throttle body is on the wrong end. They are quite simple to work on, a few important parts are NLA though, like the brake proportioning valve, window regulators, coolant expansion tank, and im sure there are some im forgetting. Windshield are $700+, and the clutch is only sold as a complete assembley (other than a replacement disc) and costs about $1k. So yes, when the throwout bearing fails you better hope you have an extra used one or you will be buying a $1k clutch kit. Also, they have a rediculous amount of rubber fuel line, and it would be extremely dumb to not replace every bit of it before driving the car. Id say buy it, they are fun to drive, like an e30 that isnt boring, or a mk2 vw thats actually fun, or a miata that sounds cool and isnt small and useless for a daily driver. lol
9/16/10 2:56 p.m.

He added a picture to the Louisville listing today.
I love these engines... I've heard a 3.0 with Webers screaming... it's a sound that gets etched on your memory.
I just wish the engine was available in something a bit lighter. (I saw what one guy went through to slot one into a Spyder... no thanks...)
Guess I'll have to wait until the right GTV6 comes along... preferably already with a 3.0, Webers, etc... ;-)
How much room in the back of a Lancia Scorpion? Wonder if an entire 164 3.0 drivetrain would squeeze in?
Have you ever driven a milano? If not I would suggest it, its not really any heavier feeling than most 2200 pound cars. I think alot more people would want them if they knew what they are like to drive. lol
9/16/10 9:45 p.m.
Thanks for the heads-up, Powar.
I'd seen it posted on Nashville and Cincinnati CL; the Louisville ad -- only one with pics? -- is new, I think.
I may have to go look at this thing tomorrow; I'll be in the neighborhood.
Travis_K wrote:
Id say buy it, they are fun to drive, like an e30 that isnt boring, or a mk2 vw thats actually fun, or a miata that sounds cool and isnt small and useless for a daily driver. lol
Are you suggesting that "Miata" isn't always the answer? (Or that "E30" isn't always the backup answer when you need more than two seats?) Mk2 VW? Isn't there a Mazda that can do that, now? What are you saying?
FWIW, shipping rates are pretty low, right now. Just got quoted $725 from CA to KS. Last time I checked it was more like $1200.
I am suggesting that I have driven a miata, and it was uncomfortably small and less fun to drive than my milano, an E30 (although yes it was a 325es in less than wonderful shape), and it wasnt terribly exciting, and that a MK2 vw is too worn out to be fun without about $3k in new parts. I bought a milano becasue 1, I couldnt afford a driveable E30, and 2, I had driven all the other cars people say are really great and was dsapointed, and then I drove the milano and it was more what i was expecting the others to be like from what i heard about them.
9/17/10 2:50 p.m.
So I looked at this one over my lunch break.
65,000 miles.
Respray -- not especially good -- by the previous owner, 8+ years ago.
No obvious rust -- stored indoors last 8 years.
8 years ago, though, the motor was rebuilt and the tensioner was not set correctly. The valves hit the pistons, and that was that.
It doesn't look like it was too bad, from the condition of the tops of the pistons. But the owner pulled one head, and took it to a machine shop. Which lost the head. (The cam is reportedly still in the trunk and did not get lost with the head.)
Owner apparently spun the motor at some point with one head off, which resulted in the cylinder liners going walkabout. Motor then sat, open, in the garage for 8 years.
Interior is cloth and a complete wreck -- owner says mice; I'm not going to say he's wrong.
Wheels and tires were probably brand new before the ill-fated engine rebuild and 15-mile drive 8 years ago. Wheels seem to be a generic 15x6, but I'm not an expert.
Owner doesn't want to see it parted out, but seems hung up on the prices he paid for all of the parts on it.
Probably a pass for me, I think.
Treb wrote:
[Owner] seems hung up on the prices he paid for all of the parts on it.
I really dislike people that like.
They force a car to rot instead of being on the road/track.
yesyes... face it, cars are a BAD investment and most people can't see it. The only return is the enjoyment you get out of them.
Yeah, dont buy that one. I paid $1650 for mine and drove it home. Dead ones need to be under $500 to be worth it.
I paid $600 and drove mine home from Houston. :)
9/20/10 7:42 a.m.
Watched an Italian movie this weekend -- at a crucial moment in the film, the Carabineri show up and haul off the older brother... driving a pair of black Alfa 75s.
I will get one sooner or later; but not this one.
9/22/10 9:12 a.m.
I just got an e-mail from the seller, offering me the car for $600. If I did decide to do it, I would counter a bit lower than that.
Definitely in the right neighborhood, now.
I was apparently the only person to look at the car.
I've posted a couple of messages on Alfabb looking for a motor, or a head, or some seats.
sounds like a pretty good deal. Always thought the Saab 900s and Lexus Is300s stole a page from that body style.
If the body is nice and it has a useable set of 164s cams with it that wouldnt be a terrible deal. Having nice new parts for everything would be good, just be aware that replacing everything a car that has been sitting for years may need all at once may be a bit expensive. Someone on the alfabb got a running (well they didnt know it at the time, but it started when they got it home) one for $200, so with missing engine parts even free isnt an amazing deal.
Yeah, I'd think that "Free" wouldn't be that great of a deal. Six bills for a car with no motor, no interior, mouse damage (damn, where did I put those GLUE TRAPS FOR THE MICE?), likely wiring damage, and old tires doesn't sound too good to me. But then, don't ask me about the S2 Europa, so I can't really throw stones.
9/24/10 12:08 p.m.
There's a guy nearby who apparently has two parts cars in his yard. I think this should be his project.
They look like fun, though. and I'm going to be looking for one. Just not one that's been trashed and abandoned.