New Reader
4/15/11 1:40 p.m.
Not my bag to advertise and I am certainly not endorsing but ran into this deal online: Has anyone heard of this oil? Green Earth Synthetic Oil 5w-30 at walmart. $26 rebate for 5 qts. It's walmart so it may be bad quality considering it's probably made from pork fat and children's tears
. maybe good for deep frying?
Looks like a canoe, smells like a canoe...
G Oil is wicked awesome. They are using (IIRC) 50% recycled plant matter to make their oil. Renewable tech. I have been using it for a little over a year with no problems.
They also sponsor Dyson racing in the ALMS. That makes them cool in my book. oil change for the Aurora...sure why not
This reminds me:
So it isn't FREE, but it sure felt like I was stealing. Advance Auto Parts has a limited time deal right now. 5 qts of Castrol Synthetic ($8.19 per qt) and a K&N oil filter (about $13.99 ea) for $27.99!! So that's $54.94 worth of stuff for $27.99. I'd call that a good deal. I got oil for the M3 and a filter for the Tahoe (unfortunately none of these places have quality filters for BMWs).
I actually own stock in this company, ticker symbol is GETG. Price has slipped lately, but was never really expensive. Figured it was worth a $100 gamble for a few hundred shares. (its at 30cents today) If we all bought some....
I agree canoe, especially seeing that the second link asks for an e-mail address, and what his avatar pic is.
4/15/11 9:33 p.m.
Pez222 does not look like a typical self powered boat captain. This link takes you to his profile and all that he has ever written in the more than a year he has been here even if his being here is infrequent.
jrw1621 wrote:
Pez222 does not look like a typical self powered boat captain. This link takes you to his profile and all that he has ever written in the more than a year he has been here even if his being here is infrequent.
Yeah, this looks like another VW Westphalia to me. Too many prior posts to be a spammer.
New Reader
4/18/11 10:07 a.m.
I am no spammer. I have been autocrossing my MR2s with Dixie Region (Tally) and PCA or ER in So. FLA since '97 (although not so frequently lately). I dont post on message boards a lot except when I think I can contribute. A friend sent me the link, I got my rebate coupon so I posted this. Derick Freese knows who my avatar is
So, I just clicked on the link. Celebration, FL? Other than people with way too much money that want to live at Disney, I didn't think anything else existed in Celebration.
I'm going to run this stuff in my Jeep. Can't hurt that motor, I'm tellin' ya. Free oil is always the cheapest oil.
Free oil for the smart! I claim this as my one good thing for the earth activity for the year.
Regular price of Mobil One synthetic is ~$25 for 5 quarts at WalMart where I live. Sometimes as low as ~$23.
I may or may not have purchased said oil while wearing my NAPA uniform.
According to the announcers during the Long Beach ALMS race on Saturday night, you can actually DRINK this G oil (presumably before use).
If it's 50% recycled, I certainly wouldn't want to try that.
I wonder if it would be a good idea to use this stuff in a rotary. After all, the jury is still out on whether or not you should use synthetic in one, and they do burn oil on purpose...
P.S. I noticed it pretty late, but I can haz SuperDorkdom nao? Yes I can haz! 
Hell yeah i'm stocking up. I'll run this in everything! I can't imagine the previous owners ever changed the oil on my cars, so i don't see this hurting.
Wait... only 5w30? What kind of bullE36 M3 is that?
10w-40 in all mine but the MX6, which takes 20w-50. ARG.