Lil Stampie was out of school today for Fall Break and it's the 4th Friday of the month so that means tow yard auction.
I looked at the list online and the two main interest were an 2010 Honda Insight and a 2004 BMW 745i. I walked over to the Insight first because we know they're fast otherwise one wouldn't have won the Challenge in 2017. Plus Seth has one so who else is cooler than Seth?
What a POS. Missing about half the trim and bumpers, automatic, and 397k miles. Ok let's pass soon that one.
Walk over to the BMW and it's looking nice, real nice. Then I notice a side swip on the passenger side. Ok could still be a deal. Tell Lil Stampie to pop the hood and I see a normal BMW V8. This yard doesn't make keys for the newer BMWs so it's kinda a roll of the dice on if they run. I look down and see this:
Strange the serpentine belt is coming off ... wait ... WTF the water pump shaft is bent. Confirm no water in overflow bottle and shake my head as I walk away.
Ok looks like it's going to be a bust so I quickly check some other vehicles and walk up on a 98 S10 purring like a kitten. Jump in and it's a manual. Hit the AC button and cold air pours out. Release the clutch in first and reverse and it feels good. Damn this is a nice little truck. Needs side mirrors and a front bumper but that's an hour in the junkyard and $100.
We walk around more and Lil Stampie tries to talk me into meth lab, missing rear wheels, got all the JDM overnighted 91 Civic Si I don't notice anything.
Auction starts and works it's way around to the S10. I start at 500 and one other dude jumps in also. Here's persistent but berk it has working AC and we're in Florida my man. I finally get him to drop out and it's mine at $800.
We go on and pay then head out to make sure the windows are up and grab the keys. This lady sees me and ask if I'm a mechanic. I tell her no that I just do this for fun. She ask if I mind looking at this 96 Honda Accord her daughter bought. I hadn't really checked it out but she said the yard sold it as run and drives. I explain that means it starts and will move forward and in reverse. So we walk over and she says they won it at $350. I tell her that's not bad at all and glance inside to see a manual trans. Oh cool I tell her I would have bid against her if I had noticed that. Daughter freaks out saying she didn't notice that and she can't drive a manual. I offer to take their winning bid but tell the mom to buy it throw it on CL and sell it for a grand.
We are driving out and Mom runs up saying we can take the car. Park run in and pay the yard off to get the paperwork.
Here's our 96 Accord.
Yard guy explains that they had a key but lost it so they'll get another one made before I pick it up.
Lil Stampie and I go grab some lunch before heading to the DMV. I always enjoy looking at the paperwork and seeing where the vehicles were picked up from and stuff. Looking at the S10 I see the title status as Salvage. WTH? They didn't state that and in fact made a point at the beginning of the auction to say no rebuilt titles today. I'm thinking I'm screwed because technically it's salvage not rebuilt and that's even worse.
After lunch we head back over there and they're cool as hell about it. Seems the new office lady didn't know to point that out to the owner so they refunded my money.
Cool but I still have the Accord so we head to the DMV and after title and taxes we're all in at $539.69. I still have to pay the key guy but that shouldn't be over $40.