So, the econobox has finally started to throw some problems at me.
It has always had a small vibration since I put the Team Dynamics on it because one of the wheels is slightly out-of-round. It was semi-cured with wheel weights, but it has suddenly become a VIOLENT vibration now. I looked to see if it slung all the wheel weights off (can't imagine it would since I use metal tape for them), and they're still there. I am assuming a wheel bearing or tie rod end has bit the dust.
Then, after I got my coffee from the Gasolina station, getting on the highway, a partial throttle misfire had developed. It sounds like if you were to have a pit speed limiter and gave it full throttle, that high speed mis sound. If you slowly apply more throttle, it won't show it's ugly head. I am assuming it's the cap and rotor/plug wire/plugs need to be changed.
Fun morning so far!