Just updated the build thread, cross posting for those not really following our Swedish adventure.
We lost a small hold-down off the cobra pipe. Looked everywhere and fished around with a magnet. Was it laying on the radiator support? Had it landed near the turbo? Was it on the ground?
When the turbo began making an odd howl, our worst fears were realized: it had made a nothing-but-net shot into the hose port and was riding the perpetual spin cycle on the “in” side of the turbo. Oops.
[As has been pointed out, the Cobra side is “in”. Stupid me. Who lets me work on cars, anyway?]
Here's the result:
For reference, this is the exhaust side of the new turbo:
Lessons learned: be like the pros - put a shop rag in every open thing while you're wrenching. Also: this Mitusbishi unit was tough: it never smoked, it kept making boost, and the shaft bearing was still tight even after the involuntary machining.