Calvin "Fuzzy" Nelson made the final round in his first race. Took out the track champ in round 2 and pulled a .003 light to gain a round on a bye it the quarter-finals. Lost in the final with an .03 light by running under by .045 while the competitor ran under by .023. SOOOOO close..... But we're still proud of him
and may keep him around another week
His first run against another car was a father-son line up.
5/25/12 1:47 p.m.
Nice job kid! My first time at the strip I only went to the third round and I went red - brings back good memories. Breaking out by .045 when you're brand spanking new is not that bad - if he had a .030 light, then he probably first finished the guy, which is generally the idea, and just dialed slow, so you could argue that his driving ability was great, the dial in was the issue.
I wish I still did that stuff - soooo fun.
tuna55 wrote:
Nice job kid! My first time at the strip I only went to the third round and I went red - brings back good memories. Breaking out by .045 when you're brand spanking new is not that bad - if he had a .030 light, then he probably first finished the guy, which is generally the idea, and just dialed slow, so you could argue that his driving ability was great, the dial in was the issue.
I wish I still did that stuff - soooo fun.
Did the best we could on dial in. It was not consistant and he learned alot. And he did get there first, just did not know how to lift enough and stay ahead. He did get there first but.......its a tough sport.
Man that's cool! I'd love to race against my Dad. Congrats to Calvin!
Times are changing. In King Richard Pettys first race, he got in his dads way and his dad put him into the wall to teach him a lesson.
Awesome, congrats to both of you guys.