I am getting closer to getting my C900 back on the road. I will be putting the T5 injection on it and maybe turning up the boost a little bit (I don't want to granade the newly rebuilt trans)
I am considering adding some gages to keep tabs.. as this is a turbo car, which would be better.. a Air/fuel or exhaust temp?
As for the trans.. I know C900s are hard on their transmissions. Torque and heat tend to kill them as the trans case is also the oil pan for the engine (the fluids do not mix) and I am considering either running a trans temp or an oil temp gage.. do you think they would run at the same temps?
Oil temp and trans temp would be a good place to start. Vacuum/boost, oil pressure, and water temp as well.
EGT is really hard to do, but A/F could be a useful gauge.
You can't have too many gauges.
well.. the question still remains. As the engine uses the trans case as an oilpan.. would the transmission and oil temps be the same?
They should not be, especially if one goes through a cooler. More than likely the engine oil will heat up the trans fluid. Run gauges on both.
thanks,, and yes, there is a stock oil cooler on the C900 Turbo (I need to replace mine)
How efficient is the Saab oil cooler? Maybe upgrading to a decent aftermarket unit like Setrab and using a synthetic gear oil would help with the temperature issues. If you're on a budget, I hear that the FC RX-7's oil cooler is pretty efficient for a stock part from the '80s.
Also, you might want to make your own ducting to help guide cold air towards the oil cooler. Coroplast advertising/campaign signs make great heat exchanger ducts because they are stiff, lightweight, and heat-resistant. Plus they're free as long as you don't get caught!
not sure how efficent they are.. sometime in the past the stock one was smashed and replaced with an aftermarket one that put those plastic studs through the aircon condenser.
The stock one is under the car, one of the lowest spots right behind the front valence on the driver's side. It looks like mine met one of the cement parking stops