5/26/17 4:53 a.m.
Next steps that I would happily like some advice on:
Floor coatings: do I spend the $1+ per sqft for a full epoxy system or just go cheap and paint it. The tile solutions etc are too expensive for my budget. If I do epoxy can I get away without a top coat/uv protector since it is inside?
-lifts I am thinking either a challenger or rotary evolution. Any experience or recommendations?
Here are the leading 2 contenders of I go the epoxy route:
I will probably need 12 to 15 gallons of epoxy to get the 10+ mil coverage most places recomend
Since the concrete is new I'd spend the money for the epoxy. This is your best chance to get good proper adhesion. Do the best job you can now and it should last.
How does polished concrete compare to the floor coverings in price? it seems like it would give you many of the benefits of paint or epoxy without the chance that it ever flakes or peels.
5/26/17 8:21 a.m.
In reply to STM317:
I am not sure. How does it hold up to oil spills and all. To my understanding that is one of the big benefits of epoxy that it seals. Also a bright floor really helps the lighting of the shop.
need some pics in this thread!
tripp wrote:
In reply to STM317:
I am not sure. How does it hold up to oil spills and all. To my understanding that is one of the big benefits of epoxy that it seals. Also a bright floor really helps the lighting of the shop.
It's my understanding that a properly finished polished floor would have a transparent sealer applied.
And my assumption, based on pictures, is that a polished floor actually reflects light as well as, or better than, a common epoxy would. (Can't hot link right now to provide an example)
It may not be reasonable, but I wanted to mention it since it's often overlooked in discussions like this.
5/26/17 10:14 a.m.
In reply to Lof8:
Working on getting them uploaded and a link I can use. Let's see if this link works

Tyler H wrote:
Did you buy plans to start? I often think about building the garage of my dreams with a nice loft apartment, convincing my wife to live in it for a couple of years, then putting a house out front.
Calling it a garage kills the deal somehow. Maybe it needs to be a 'guesthouse' with a 4-car garage?
Term du jour around here is Barndominium. has reams of information about flooring, design, etc.
5/26/17 11:17 p.m.
I have a ground and polished floor in my shop.
I l-o-v-e it!
It worked out to $3/sqft CDN.
It cleans up REALLY easy. It won't be burned by welding slag. There is no "coating" to wear off or peel off.

tripp wrote:
How expensive is the foam block building? Curious as I was trying to find the best value in a structure and steel prefab won out because of ease availability and having seen so many others go that route.
Sorry I missed your question.. I bought my foam blocks nearly 15 years ago so you'll need to call suppliers to find prices.. However don't just look at material costs.. check with insurance companies.. Since the foundation was so nearly indestructible Fire, flood, and tornado ratings were off the chart, it made home insurance cheaper.
In retrospect I wish I'd used ICF's instead of SIP's for the walls and not just the foundation.. I probably would have saved $150,000 on the house without any reduction in insulation value. (a really big deal here in Minnesota)