8/1/16 7:13 a.m.
Going through the brochures from the TNiA and deciding what to throw away, I saw the ad for the VIRB XE camera. I'm intrigued by the OBD2 abilities to add RPM, speed, etc. And supposedly it has GPS capabilities to add track overlays or something??
Now I'm trying to figure out the difference between the base camera itself, and what the Auto Racing Bundle on amazon actually adds... Anyone with more knowledge?
Amazon's Auto Racing Bundle
Garmin camera link
8/1/16 7:49 a.m.
I know that Killboy at The Tail Of The Dragon hands-down prefers the Garmin over the Go-Pro. He said Go-Pro may have invented the market, but Garmin perfected it.
8/1/16 9:05 a.m.
In reply to NickD:
I'm seriously considering selling both Hero2's and WiFi's and remote to get one Garmin at this point. And that's without anyone chiming in on how they actually fair.
One of the midwest rallycrosser has one of these and he's very happy with it. I've embedded one of his videos below. You can see the overlay created using the GPS data ont he side. I don't think he's taken advantage of the OBD2 capabilities yet.
One of the competitors at the Eastern States Championship has one and posted in car videos. I went from zero to want in record time.
8/1/16 12:47 p.m.
berkeley. Now I really want.
Paging JG, paging JG. (He's on the road right now.)
I have a VIRB XE. Love it. Image quality is every bit as good as any Go Pro, and the usability factor is off-the-charts better. GoPro has nice optics, but they should be ashamed of their usability.
The GPS functions on the VIRB are nice, but the refresh rate is relatively low, so there's quite a bit of lag, especially in the speed trace. And it doesn't do cornering speeds so well. That said, it's still a really nifty set of functionalities.
The ability to pair the VIRB with an outboard high-rate GPS like you can with an iPhone would produce the perfect action cam IMO. I have to imagine that function is coming. For now, I still rate it higher than anything from GoPro at the moment.
Also, all GoPro accessories fit, so you can walk in to Walmart when you need a mount.
JG Pasterjak wrote: Also, all GoPro accessories fit, so you can walk in to Walmart when you need a mount.
My mind is blown in two ways right now. I could buy one and use my existing GoPro mounts, AND you can buy more at Wal-Mart?
So, I am failing to see why I haven't bought one of these things yet.

I'm so happy I haven't bought a GoPro yet!
8/2/16 5:30 a.m.
In reply to JG Pasterjak:
And here I was just thinking I'd have to scrape off the old sticky mounts on Subarust. Needing +1 now.
Also, do you know what the Auto Racing bundle adds that the camera itself wouldn't come with?
If it helps anyones decision to get a Virb I will gladly buy a used bluetooth Hero.
I also want a Virb, I'm just too cheap to buy the latest and greatest.