OK, as stated in my other thread I’m heading down to Southern Indian to look at a SAAB with the intention of getting it assuming it’s as good as it looks. What do I need, just the signed over Indiana title? I assume I don’t have to go to the Indiana SOS or anything? When I get it back to Michigan I just want to get the title sorted out to start with, I probably won’t plate it until next year when I plan on putting a historic plate on it. The car needs to be 25 years old for that and 1988 plus 24 is 2013, so I’ll go in January.
Anything I’m missing?
11/15/12 8:26 a.m.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
all you'll need is the signed indiana title.
Signed title (and notarized if required in Indiana like it is in Ohio) and a trip to the SOS. No VIN inspections or anything.
You just needed to ask me. See, one of the upsides of auto ADD is that you have experience in stuff like this. 
Yes, all you need is the signed out-of-state title. The historic plate thing is a good idea, I may do that for the E30.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
You just needed to ask me. See, one of the upsides of auto ADD is that you have experience in stuff like this.
Yes, all you need is the signed out-of-state title. The historic plate thing is a good idea, I may do that for the E30.
Wow, Tom's towing services also provides free legal advice!!
New Reader
11/15/12 9:41 a.m.
signed title. I have done this with cars from:Mo. Fl. Oh. Il. Pa. Canada. Never a problem. They never even look at me funny. I have registered cars from canada that were not old enough to be excluded. I just drove them acros the border with canadian plates and registered it. The car was from my grandfather.
Have fun and good luck.
after reading this I think I might have automotive ADD
Note - If anyone ever does an arrive-and -drive in NY, find an independent tag n' title agency and throw money at obtaining the "New York State in transit tag" you'll need to legally drive it home.
When I got the 525iT on Long Island every bit of information I saw indicated a trip to the MVA to get it would be a day-long effort in frustration. The slightly hinky looking independent place 10 minutes from the seller's house took 20 minutes and cost about $75 extra.
Being home with the car by dinner after having done Metro/Amtrak Acela/LIRR/ride from seller/drive L.I. to DC was well worth it.
cdowd wrote:
signed title. I have done this with cars from:Mo. Fl. Oh. Il. Pa. Canada. Never a problem. They never even look at me funny. I have registered cars from canada that were not old enough to be excluded. I just drove them acros the border with canadian plates and registered it. The car was from my grandfather.
Have fun and good luck.
after reading this I think I might have automotive ADD
I believe that your grandfather's Buick was available in the USA. I think the exclusion is for models not imported to the USA
Does anybody else require a VIN inspection for out of state like Ohio? It was always a pain dragging a project on a trailer to the BMV or a dealer to pay 2 dollars for a guy to go "Yup. Thats it". I also hated dealing with the notary. If you were selling a car you either had to know one and have them illegally sign it or only meet a buyer during business hours. If you were buying you either had to know one that would sign it illegally or hope they knew one that signed it or meet during business hours. Rant over :)
logdog wrote:
Does anybody else require a VIN inspection for out of state like Ohio? It was always a pain dragging a project on a trailer to the BMV or a dealer to pay 2 dollars for a guy to go "Yup. Thats it". I also hated dealing with the notary. If you were selling a car you either had to know one and have them illegally sign it or only meet a buyer during business hours. If you were buying you either had to know one that would sign it illegally or hope they knew one that signed it or meet during business hours. Rant over :)
?? Your profile says your in Imlay city Mi, why are you dealing with silly Buckeye rules?
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
?? Your profile says your in Imlay city Mi, why are you dealing with silly Buckeye rules?
I have been in Michigan for a little over two years. Previously I lived in Ohio and dragged home cars from all over. Michigan is WAY easier. I just wish my local SOS printed titles rather than mailing them out 2 weeks later
Ohio is the worst for this, PA has a similar thing but only for instate cars.
When I went to change over my F250 from MI to KY, I had to pay the sherriff "goon" $5 to go out and declare it was the same vehicle listed on the title. Beyond that, and they are supposed to check for lights, glass, etc, I needed nothing extra.
Anything already in state doesn't require this check, unless you are attempting to unsalvage title a vehicle to rebuilt.